Last Updated on September 2, 2024
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Picking a name for your son can be a big responsibility. While traditional names will stand the test of time and be a far safer bet than anything else, they are also growing more common each day. This is why many parents will choose more unique names. Thankfully for those looking to do the latter, there are a host of unique naming websites that will help you choose the perfect unique name for your little boy.
However, while nobody may want a boring name, you have to remember that as the parent to be, you hold a lot of responsibility in your hands. This is because the name that you give to your child is theirs forever (or until they opt to change it) and choosing a crazy name that may be embarrassing or have funny initials will be unfair on the child as they grow up. So keep in mind that while you may like a name for your child, they may grow up to be a little confused and wanting some answers! Cough* Blue Ivy *Cough.
If you are truly stuck and have no clue what name is best, then the Social Security Administration in the US publishes the country’s most popular names from that year in a report that they release. These reports date back to the 1800s and provide interesting analysis into what names were more popular than others throughout the centuries. While the list does have all of the Jacks and Johns and Logans, it happens to have a comprehensive list of the most unpopular and more unusual names as well. So that is a good place to look if you need a little inspiration.
What this small article looks to do anyway is provide you with a comprehensive list of 900+ unique and interesting boy names that expectant mothers and fathers can use as reference if they want to try something a little different in regard to naming.
Looking for more ideas? Check out our other articles:
Arabic Boy Names
Bible Boy Names
British Girl Names
Car-Inspired Baby Names
Chinese Girl Names
Flower Girl Names
French Girl Names
Gender-Neutral Names
German Girl Names
Hawaiian Girl Names
Hebrew Girl Names
Italian Boy Names
Italian Girl Names
Japanese Boy Names
Japanese Girl Names
Korean Boy Names
Korean Girl Names
One Syllable Girl Names
Russian Boy Names
Star Names
Unique Girl Names
The Ultimate Uncommon Boys Name List
- Aarav
- Abel
- Abraham
- Abram
- Ace
- Adair
- Adam
- Adler
- Ahmed
- Aidan
- Aiden
- Alaric
- Albert
- Albion
- Aldean
- Alec
- Aleric
- Alfonso
- Alfredo
- Alistair
- Allan
- Amador
- Ambrose
- Amias
- Amir
- Amos
- Andres
- Andrew
- Andrè
- Ang
- Angus
- Anson
- Antoine
- Anton
- Apollo
- Arbor
- Archer
- Archibald
- Arden
- Ari
- Arian
- Arlo
- Armelo
- Armondo
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Aron
- Arrow
- Arthur
- Arturo
- Asher
- Ashton
- Aslan
- Aspen
- Astro
- Atlas
- Atreus
- Atticus
- Auden
- August
- Augustine
- Austin
- Austyn
- Avalon
- Avantee
- Avery
- Axel
- Axelly
- Axford
- Axton
- Bailey
- Balthazar
- Banjo
- Bannar
- Barrett
- Bassel
- Bastian
- Bauer
- Bayler
- Beau
- Beckett
- Bellamy
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Bentlee
- Bentley
- Benvineto
- Bergen
- Billy
- Blade
- Blaine
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blayden
- Blaze
- Bode
- Boden
- Bodhi
- Bohdi
- Booker
- Boone
- Bosco
- Boston
- Bowers
- Boyd
- Braden
- Bradyn
- Bram
- Branson
- Brantley
- Braxton
- Brayan
- Braythe
- Breccan
- Brecken
- Breckett
- Brennan
- Brice
- Bridger
- Briggs
- Brixton
- Brock
- Brodley
- Brody
- Bronx
- Brookes
- Brooklyn
- Brooks
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Bryan
- Bryson
- Buck
- Burke
- Burris
- Butler
- Byron
- Cadogan
- Caeden
- Caesar
- Calder
- Caleb
- Caledon
- Calie
- Callaghan
- Callum
- Calvin
- Camden
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Cannon
- Carl
- Carlo
- Carson
- Carter
- Casen
- Casey
- Casper
- Caspian
- Cassian
- Cato
- Cayson
- Cecil
- Cedrick
- Cedrik
- Chad
- Chaim
- Chance
- Chandler
- Charles
- Charlie
- Chase
- Cheston
- Chett
- Christian
- Churchill
- Clark
- Clarkson
- Clifton
- Clooney
- Clyde
- Cody
- Coen
- Cole
- Coleman
- Colin
- Collins
- Colton
- Conley
- Connor
- Conrad
- Conway
- Cooper
- Corey
- Cortey
- Cortez
- Cove
- Coven
- Credence
- Creighton
- Crew
- Crofton
- Cronan
- Cruze
- Cullen
- Curtis
- Cutler
- Cypress
- Cyril
- Cyris
- Daesyn
- Dale
- Dalton
- Daniel
- Danny
- Dante
- Darby
- Darcy
- Dario
- Darius
- Darnell
- Darren
- Darrian
- Darwin
- Dashiell
- Dathan
- Davian
- David
- Davie
- Davies
- Dawson
- Dax
- Daxton
- Dayne
- Deacon
- Dean
- Deaton
- Deckard
- Declan
- Deegan
- Delano
- Demetrius
- Dennis
- Denver
- Denzel
- Derek
- Desmond
- Devlin
- Devon
- Dexter
- Dimitry
- Dion
- Dodge
- Dominic
- Domonic
- Donovan
- Dontay
- Drake
- Draydon
- Drew
- Dru
- Duane
- Duggar
- Duke
- Duncan
- Dustin
- Dylan
- Earle
- Easton
- Ebenezer
- Echo
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Edmond
- Edmund
- Edward
- Eldon
- Eli
- Elian
- Elias
- Elijah
- Ellington
- Elliot
- Ellis
- Elon
- Elroy
- Emery
- Emory
- Enrys
- Enzo
- Eric
- Ernest
- Erroll
- Erskine
- Essam
- Ethan
- Eugene
- Evander
- Everest
- Everet
- Everett
- Evren
- Ezra
- Feenab
- Feeney
- Felix
- Fergus
- Finius
- Finley
- Finn
- Finnian
- Finnick
- Fisher
- Fitzgerald
- Fletcher
- Flint
- Floyd
- Ford
- Forest
- Foster
- Fox
- Francisco
- Franco
- Frankie
- Frawley
- Gabriel
- Gage
- Galileo
- Gallagher
- Gallaway
- Gannon
- Gareth
- Garrison
- Gatlan
- Gatler
- Gatsby
- Gazer
- Gentry
- George
- Gibson
- Gideon
- Gifford
- Glenn
- Grady
- Graeme
- Granger
- Grant
- Gray
- Grayden
- Graylen
- Griffin
- Gunnar
- Gus
- Gustavo
- Hamish
- Hanlon
- Harlem
- Harley
- Harnan
- Harold
- Harris
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hassan
- Hawkes
- Hayden
- Heath
- Heironymus
- Hendrix
- Henley
- Henri
- Henrik
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hester
- Heston
- Hezekiah
- Heziah
- Holden
- Holmes
- Holt
- Homer
- Houston
- Howard
- Howie
- Hubert
- Huck
- Hudson
- Huey
- Hugh
- Hughan
- Hugo
- Hunter
- Huxley
- Ian
- Ichabod
- Idris
- Irvin
- Issac
- Ivan
- Izaak
- Jabaar
- Jace
- Jackson
- Jacksyn
- Jaden
- Jadiel
- Jadis
- Jagg
- Jagger
- Jahdiel
- Jailen
- Jaime
- Jair
- Jake
- Jamal
- Jamari
- Jameson
- Jarvis
- Jasper
- Jasper/Jaspah
- Javier
- Jax
- Jaxton
- Jaxtyn
- Jay
- Jaycob/Jacob
- Jayden
- Jayven
- Jaziel
- Jecht
- Jedidiah
- Jefferson
- Jenning
- Jensen
- Jeremiah
- Jeremy
- Jericho
- Jermaine
- Jerrick
- Jesse
- Jessie
- Jett
- Jharli
- Jimmy
- Jobe
- Joe
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jose
- Joseph
- Joshua
- Joziah
- Judah
- Judd
- Jude
- Juelz
- Julian
- Julien
- Julius
- Junior
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Justin
- Kabir
- Kaden
- Kaedon
- Kahle
- Kahleb
- Kai
- Kamden
- Kamryn
- Kanoa
- Kanyon
- Karcen
- Kareem
- Kargan
- Karl
- Karson
- Kash
- Kayson
- Keanu
- Keaton
- Keillin
- Keith
- Kenji
- Kenney
- Kent
- Kenton
- Khalid
- Kieryn
- Killian
- King
- Kingston
- Knox
- Koa
- Kobe
- Kohen
- Kole
- Konar
- Korbin
- Korren
- Kovan
- Kreed
- Kristian
- Krofton
- Krueger
- Kyal
- Kye
- Kyro
- Kyson
- Lachlan
- Ladd
- Lakyn
- Lancaster
- Landen
- Lander
- Landley
- Landon
- Landry
- Lane
- Langston
- Lark
- Larkin
- Lathan
- Latrell
- Laud
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lazarus
- Lazlo
- Leandro
- Ledger
- Lee
- Leeroy
- Leif
- Leighton
- Leith
- Lennon
- Lennox
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leonardo
- Leonidas
- Leopold
- Leox
- Leroy
- Leven
- Levi
- Lewis
- Lexter
- Liam
- Lincoln
- Lionel
- Lochlan
- Lockie
- Logan
- Loki
- Lorcan
- Louis
- Lowell
- Lowen
- Lowry
- Luca
- Lucas
- Lucian
- Luigi
- Luke
- Lukey
- Lurken
- Luxton
- Lyle
- Lynx
- Lyric
- Maccabe
- Maccauley
- Madden
- Maddox
- Makson
- Malachi
- Malcolm
- Malyk
- Marcel
- Marcellus
- Marcelo
- Marcus
- Mars
- Marshall
- Marston
- Martin
- Mason
- Mateo
- Mathew
- Matteo
- Matthew
- Maurice
- Mauricio
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximiliano
- Maxson
- Maxton
- McKenzie
- Memphis
- Mercer
- Merlin
- Merrick
- Meyer
- Micah
- Mies
- Miguel
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Milton
- Misael
- Misha
- Mitchell
- Mohammed
- Montgomery
- Mordecai
- Morris
- Murphy
- Murray
- Musa
- Naeem
- Nalu
- Nash
- Nashtyn
- Nate
- Nathanael
- Nathanial
- Navy
- Nehemiah
- Nell
- Nero
- Nicholas
- Nickie
- Nico
- Nico/Niko
- Nielson
- Nikau
- Niklaus
- Nirvana
- Nixon
- Noah
- Noel
- Nolan
- Norman
- Oberon
- Odin
- Olivander
- Ollie
- Omar
- Onyx
- Orion
- Orlando
- Orme
- Orson
- Oscar
- Ostin
- Otis
- Otto
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Patrick
- Paxton
- Peak
- Pepper
- Percey
- Percy
- Perry
- Perseus
- Peter
- Phoenix
- Pierre
- Pierson
- Pike
- Pilot
- Porter
- Porty
- Potter
- Preston
- Prussian
- Pryor
- Psalm
- Puma
- Pye
- Quade
- Quin
- Quincy
- Quinn
- Quinton
- Rafferty
- Ramone
- Ramsey
- Ranger
- Raphael
- Ray
- Rayden
- Raymond
- Raynor
- Reece
- Reef
- Reese
- Reeve
- Reid
- Reign
- Reinhardt
- Remington
- Remus
- Renzo
- Reuben
- Reynolds
- Rhett
- Rhiatt
- Rhodes
- Rhodri
- Rhyan
- Rhydian
- Rhyson
- Ridge
- Riley
- River
- Robert
- Robin
- Roche
- Rocket
- Rocky
- Rogan
- Roger
- Roman
- Rome
- Romeo
- Ronan
- Ronin
- Ronnie
- Rory
- Ross
- Rowdy
- Rowe
- Rufus
- Russell
- Ryder
- Rye
- Ryker
- Saddler
- Saggar
- Saint
- Salem
- Salvador
- Samuel
- Saul
- Saunders
- Saxon
- Scott
- Seamus
- Sean
- Sebastian
- Seth
- Shane
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Shipley
- Sid
- Silas
- Sinclair
- Slade
- Slate
- Slater
- Sloan
- Sly
- Smith
- Solar
- Solomon
- Sorren
- Sparrow
- Spencer
- Spiro
- Steele
- Stellan
- Steo
- Sterling
- Stetson
- Stewart
- Story
- Stratton
- Stuart
- Sullivan
- Summit
- Sutton
- Swain
- Sylvester
- Tadeo
- Tahkye
- Taiden
- Taiten
- Taiyo
- Taj
- Talon
- Tane
- Tao
- Tariq
- Tarrant
- Tate
- Tatum
- Taurus
- Tavis
- Tavish
- Teddy
- Tennyson
- Terrell
- Terrence
- Tex/Texas
- Thames
- Thatcher
- Theo
- Theoden
- Theron
- Thorin
- Thorn
- Thorpe
- Tiberius
- Tidus
- Timothy
- Tobias
- Todd
- Tomas
- Tommy
- Tony
- Torbin
- Toretto
- Toronto
- Tory
- Trent
- Trenton
- Trevor
- Trey
- Tristan
- Tristen
- Triton
- Truett
- Trumen
- Tucker
- Turbo
- Turner
- Ty
- Tyde
- Tyke
- Tylan
- Tyler
- Uriah
- Valen
- Valor
- Van
- Vance
- Vaughn
- Vermont
- Vihaan
- Vincent
- Vinn
- Vinson
- Vulcan
- Wade
- Walker
- Wallace
- Warren
- Washington
- Waylon
- Wells
- Wesley
- Weston
- Wilder
- Wilfred
- Willie
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Windsor
- Wing
- Winslow
- Wolf
- Wrangler
- Wyatt
- Wylie
- Wynston
- Xander
- Xavier
- Xeno
- Xeon
- York
- Yosef
- Zack
- Zandah
- Zane
- Zarren
- Zayd
- Zayden
- Zeo
- Zephyr
- Zeppelin
- Zeth
- Zev
- Zhayd
- Ziggy
- Zion
- Zoltan
- Zyler
How can I choose the best name for my baby boy?
The best thing to do at the beginning is to narrow the search down to a few names so that it is less overwhelming. Then you can decide based off of your few favorites.
Do unique baby name generators exist?
Yes, there are name generators out there that will create unique names for your child. Some of them will charge a subscription, however, so do be aware of this. Some examples include, and
How does a baby name generator work?
Normally, a name generator uses statistics about current baby naming trends to generate new names that are both easy to read and pronounce.It will combine these popular names and create a unique set of names for you to choose from.
Are there any pitfalls to beware of when naming your baby?
There are usually a few things to look for when you are naming a child. Pitfalls such as embarrassing initials, strange meanings, and over popularity are things that you should be watching for. It is always best to do a little research before naming your child.
Do you have to come up with a creative name for your baby?
Not at all! There is no pressure or requirement on you to name your child something completely out of the ordinary. Just be sure that if you give your kid a crazy or unusual name, that you have a reason for doing so.
Posted by:Igor Ovsyannnykov
Igor is an SEO specialist, designer, photographer, writer and music producer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams.When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading books, taking photos, producing house music, and learning about cinematography. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.