910 Unique Boys Names That Will Make Naming Your Baby More Exciting | Inspirationfeed (2024)

Last Updated on September 2, 2024

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Picking a name for your son can be a big responsibility. While traditional names will stand the test of time and be a far safer bet than anything else, they are also growing more common each day. This is why many parents will choose more unique names. Thankfully for those looking to do the latter, there are a host of unique naming websites that will help you choose the perfect unique name for your little boy.

However, while nobody may want a boring name, you have to remember that as the parent to be, you hold a lot of responsibility in your hands. This is because the name that you give to your child is theirs forever (or until they opt to change it) and choosing a crazy name that may be embarrassing or have funny initials will be unfair on the child as they grow up. So keep in mind that while you may like a name for your child, they may grow up to be a little confused and wanting some answers! Cough* Blue Ivy *Cough.

If you are truly stuck and have no clue what name is best, then the Social Security Administration in the US publishes the country’s most popular names from that year in a report that they release. These reports date back to the 1800s and provide interesting analysis into what names were more popular than others throughout the centuries. While the list does have all of the Jacks and Johns and Logans, it happens to have a comprehensive list of the most unpopular and more unusual names as well. So that is a good place to look if you need a little inspiration.

What this small article looks to do anyway is provide you with a comprehensive list of 900+ unique and interesting boy names that expectant mothers and fathers can use as reference if they want to try something a little different in regard to naming.

Looking for more ideas? Check out our other articles:

Arabic Boy Names

Bible Boy Names

British Girl Names

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Chinese Girl Names

Flower Girl Names

French Girl Names

Gender-Neutral Names

German Girl Names

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Hebrew Girl Names

Italian Boy Names

Italian Girl Names

Japanese Boy Names

Japanese Girl Names

Korean Boy Names

Korean Girl Names

One Syllable Girl Names

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Unique Girl Names

The Ultimate Uncommon Boys Name List

910 Unique Boys Names That Will Make Naming Your Baby More Exciting | Inspirationfeed (1)

  1. Aarav
  2. Abel
  3. Abraham
  4. Abram
  5. Ace
  6. Adair
  7. Adam
  8. Adler
  9. Ahmed
  10. Aidan
  11. Aiden
  12. Alaric
  13. Albert
  14. Albion
  15. Aldean
  16. Alec
  17. Aleric
  18. Alfonso
  19. Alfredo
  20. Alistair
  21. Allan
  22. Amador
  23. Ambrose
  24. Amias
  25. Amir
  26. Amos
  27. Andres
  28. Andrew
  29. Andrè
  30. Ang
  31. Angus
  32. Anson
  33. Antoine
  34. Anton
  35. Apollo
  36. Arbor
  37. Archer
  38. Archibald
  39. Arden
  40. Ari
  41. Arian
  42. Arlo
  43. Armelo
  44. Armondo
  45. Armstrong
  46. Arnold
  47. Aron
  48. Arrow
  49. Arthur
  50. Arturo
  51. Asher
  52. Ashton
  53. Aslan
  54. Aspen
  55. Astro
  56. Atlas
  57. Atreus
  58. Atticus
  59. Auden
  60. August
  61. Augustine
  62. Austin
  63. Austyn
  64. Avalon
  65. Avantee
  66. Avery
  67. Axel
  68. Axelly
  69. Axford
  70. Axton
  71. Bailey
  72. Balthazar
  73. Banjo
  74. Bannar
  75. Barrett
  76. Bassel
  77. Bastian
  78. Bauer
  79. Bayler
  80. Beau
  81. Beckett
  82. Bellamy
  83. Benjamin
  84. Bennett
  85. Bentlee
  86. Bentley
  87. Benvineto
  88. Bergen
  89. Billy
  90. Blade
  91. Blaine
  92. Blaise
  93. Blake
  94. Blayden
  95. Blaze
  96. Bode
  97. Boden
  98. Bodhi
  99. Bohdi
  100. Booker
  101. Boone
  102. Bosco
  103. Boston
  104. Bowers
  105. Boyd
  106. Braden
  107. Bradyn
  108. Bram
  109. Branson
  110. Brantley
  111. Braxton
  112. Brayan
  113. Braythe
  114. Breccan
  115. Brecken
  116. Breckett
  117. Brennan
  118. Brice
  119. Bridger
  120. Briggs
  121. Brixton
  122. Brock
  123. Brodley
  124. Brody
  125. Bronx
  126. Brookes
  127. Brooklyn
  128. Brooks
  129. Bruce
  130. Bruno
  131. Bryan
  132. Bryson
  133. Buck
  134. Burke
  135. Burris
  136. Butler
  137. Byron
  138. Cadogan
  139. Caeden
  140. Caesar
  141. Calder
  142. Caleb
  143. Caledon
  144. Calie
  145. Callaghan
  146. Callum
  147. Calvin
  148. Camden
  149. Cameron
  150. Campbell
  151. Cannon
  152. Carl
  153. Carlo
  154. Carson
  155. Carter
  156. Casen
  157. Casey
  158. Casper
  159. Caspian
  160. Cassian
  161. Cato
  162. Cayson
  163. Cecil
  164. Cedrick
  165. Cedrik
  166. Chad
  167. Chaim
  168. Chance
  169. Chandler
  170. Charles
  171. Charlie
  172. Chase
  173. Cheston
  174. Chett
  175. Christian
  176. Churchill
  177. Clark
  178. Clarkson
  179. Clifton
  180. Clooney
  181. Clyde
  182. Cody
  183. Coen
  184. Cole
  185. Coleman
  186. Colin
  187. Collins
  188. Colton
  189. Conley
  190. Connor
  191. Conrad
  192. Conway
  193. Cooper
  194. Corey
  195. Cortey
  196. Cortez
  197. Cove
  198. Coven
  199. Credence
  200. Creighton
  201. Crew
  202. Crofton
  203. Cronan
  204. Cruze
  205. Cullen
  206. Curtis
  207. Cutler
  208. Cypress
  209. Cyril
  210. Cyris
  211. Daesyn
  212. Dale
  213. Dalton
  214. Daniel
  215. Danny
  216. Dante
  217. Darby
  218. Darcy
  219. Dario
  220. Darius
  221. Darnell
  222. Darren
  223. Darrian
  224. Darwin
  225. Dashiell
  226. Dathan
  227. Davian
  228. David
  229. Davie
  230. Davies
  231. Dawson
  232. Dax
  233. Daxton
  234. Dayne
  235. Deacon
  236. Dean
  237. Deaton
  238. Deckard
  239. Declan
  240. Deegan
  241. Delano
  242. Demetrius
  243. Dennis
  244. Denver
  245. Denzel
  246. Derek
  247. Desmond
  248. Devlin
  249. Devon
  250. Dexter
  251. Dimitry
  252. Dion
  253. Dodge
  254. Dominic
  255. Domonic
  256. Donovan
  257. Dontay
  258. Drake
  259. Draydon
  260. Drew
  261. Dru
  262. Duane
  263. Duggar
  264. Duke
  265. Duncan
  266. Dustin
  267. Dylan
  268. Earle
  269. Easton
  270. Ebenezer
  271. Echo
  272. Eddie
  273. Edgar
  274. Edmond
  275. Edmund
  276. Edward
  277. Eldon
  278. Eli
  279. Elian
  280. Elias
  281. Elijah
  282. Ellington
  283. Elliot
  284. Ellis
  285. Elon
  286. Elroy
  287. Emery
  288. Emory
  289. Enrys
  290. Enzo
  291. Eric
  292. Ernest
  293. Erroll
  294. Erskine
  295. Essam
  296. Ethan
  297. Eugene
  298. Evander
  299. Everest
  300. Everet
  301. Everett
  302. Evren
  303. Ezra
  304. Feenab
  305. Feeney
  306. Felix
  307. Fergus
  308. Finius
  309. Finley
  310. Finn
  311. Finnian
  312. Finnick
  313. Fisher
  314. Fitzgerald
  315. Fletcher
  316. Flint
  317. Floyd
  318. Ford
  319. Forest
  320. Foster
  321. Fox
  322. Francisco
  323. Franco
  324. Frankie
  325. Frawley
  326. Gabriel
  327. Gage
  328. Galileo
  329. Gallagher
  330. Gallaway
  331. Gannon
  332. Gareth
  333. Garrison
  334. Gatlan
  335. Gatler
  336. Gatsby
  337. Gazer
  338. Gentry
  339. George
  340. Gibson
  341. Gideon
  342. Gifford
  343. Glenn
  344. Grady
  345. Graeme
  346. Granger
  347. Grant
  348. Gray
  349. Grayden
  350. Graylen
  351. Griffin
  352. Gunnar
  353. Gus
  354. Gustavo
  355. Hamish
  356. Hanlon
  357. Harlem
  358. Harley
  359. Harnan
  360. Harold
  361. Harris
  362. Harry
  363. Harvey
  364. Hassan
  365. Hawkes
  366. Hayden
  367. Heath
  368. Heironymus
  369. Hendrix
  370. Henley
  371. Henri
  372. Henrik
  373. Henry
  374. Herbert
  375. Hester
  376. Heston
  377. Hezekiah
  378. Heziah
  379. Holden
  380. Holmes
  381. Holt
  382. Homer
  383. Houston
  384. Howard
  385. Howie
  386. Hubert
  387. Huck
  388. Hudson
  389. Huey
  390. Hugh
  391. Hughan
  392. Hugo
  393. Hunter
  394. Huxley
  395. Ian
  396. Ichabod
  397. Idris
  398. Irvin
  399. Issac
  400. Ivan
  401. Izaak
  402. Jabaar
  403. Jace
  404. Jackson
  405. Jacksyn
  406. Jaden
  407. Jadiel
  408. Jadis
  409. Jagg
  410. Jagger
  411. Jahdiel
  412. Jailen
  413. Jaime
  414. Jair
  415. Jake
  416. Jamal
  417. Jamari
  418. Jameson
  419. Jarvis
  420. Jasper
  421. Jasper/Jaspah
  422. Javier
  423. Jax
  424. Jaxton
  425. Jaxtyn
  426. Jay
  427. Jaycob/Jacob
  428. Jayden
  429. Jayven
  430. Jaziel
  431. Jecht
  432. Jedidiah
  433. Jefferson
  434. Jenning
  435. Jensen
  436. Jeremiah
  437. Jeremy
  438. Jericho
  439. Jermaine
  440. Jerrick
  441. Jesse
  442. Jessie
  443. Jett
  444. Jharli
  445. Jimmy
  446. Jobe
  447. Joe
  448. Jones
  449. Jordan
  450. Jose
  451. Joseph
  452. Joshua
  453. Joziah
  454. Judah
  455. Judd
  456. Jude
  457. Juelz
  458. Julian
  459. Julien
  460. Julius
  461. Junior
  462. Juno
  463. Jupiter
  464. Justin
  465. Kabir
  466. Kaden
  467. Kaedon
  468. Kahle
  469. Kahleb
  470. Kai
  471. Kamden
  472. Kamryn
  473. Kanoa
  474. Kanyon
  475. Karcen
  476. Kareem
  477. Kargan
  478. Karl
  479. Karson
  480. Kash
  481. Kayson
  482. Keanu
  483. Keaton
  484. Keillin
  485. Keith
  486. Kenji
  487. Kenney
  488. Kent
  489. Kenton
  490. Khalid
  491. Kieryn
  492. Killian
  493. King
  494. Kingston
  495. Knox
  496. Koa
  497. Kobe
  498. Kohen
  499. Kole
  500. Konar
  501. Korbin
  502. Korren
  503. Kovan
  504. Kreed
  505. Kristian
  506. Krofton
  507. Krueger
  508. Kyal
  509. Kye
  510. Kyro
  511. Kyson
  512. Lachlan
  513. Ladd
  514. Lakyn
  515. Lancaster
  516. Landen
  517. Lander
  518. Landley
  519. Landon
  520. Landry
  521. Lane
  522. Langston
  523. Lark
  524. Larkin
  525. Lathan
  526. Latrell
  527. Laud
  528. Lawrence
  529. Lawson
  530. Lazarus
  531. Lazlo
  532. Leandro
  533. Ledger
  534. Lee
  535. Leeroy
  536. Leif
  537. Leighton
  538. Leith
  539. Lennon
  540. Lennox
  541. Lenny
  542. Leo
  543. Leon
  544. Leonard
  545. Leonardo
  546. Leonidas
  547. Leopold
  548. Leox
  549. Leroy
  550. Leven
  551. Levi
  552. Lewis
  553. Lexter
  554. Liam
  555. Lincoln
  556. Lionel
  557. Lochlan
  558. Lockie
  559. Logan
  560. Loki
  561. Lorcan
  562. Louis
  563. Lowell
  564. Lowen
  565. Lowry
  566. Luca
  567. Lucas
  568. Lucian
  569. Luigi
  570. Luke
  571. Lukey
  572. Lurken
  573. Luxton
  574. Lyle
  575. Lynx
  576. Lyric
  577. Maccabe
  578. Maccauley
  579. Madden
  580. Maddox
  581. Makson
  582. Malachi
  583. Malcolm
  584. Malyk
  585. Marcel
  586. Marcellus
  587. Marcelo
  588. Marcus
  589. Mars
  590. Marshall
  591. Marston
  592. Martin
  593. Mason
  594. Mateo
  595. Mathew
  596. Matteo
  597. Matthew
  598. Maurice
  599. Mauricio
  600. Maverick
  601. Max
  602. Maximiliano
  603. Maxson
  604. Maxton
  605. McKenzie
  606. Memphis
  607. Mercer
  608. Merlin
  609. Merrick
  610. Meyer
  611. Micah
  612. Mies
  613. Miguel
  614. Miles
  615. Miller
  616. Milo
  617. Milton
  618. Misael
  619. Misha
  620. Mitchell
  621. Mohammed
  622. Montgomery
  623. Mordecai
  624. Morris
  625. Murphy
  626. Murray
  627. Musa
  628. Naeem
  629. Nalu
  630. Nash
  631. Nashtyn
  632. Nate
  633. Nathanael
  634. Nathanial
  635. Navy
  636. Nehemiah
  637. Nell
  638. Nero
  639. Nicholas
  640. Nickie
  641. Nico
  642. Nico/Niko
  643. Nielson
  644. Nikau
  645. Niklaus
  646. Nirvana
  647. Nixon
  648. Noah
  649. Noel
  650. Nolan
  651. Norman
  652. Oberon
  653. Odin
  654. Olivander
  655. Ollie
  656. Omar
  657. Onyx
  658. Orion
  659. Orlando
  660. Orme
  661. Orson
  662. Oscar
  663. Ostin
  664. Otis
  665. Otto
  666. Owen
  667. Palmer
  668. Parker
  669. Patrick
  670. Paxton
  671. Peak
  672. Pepper
  673. Percey
  674. Percy
  675. Perry
  676. Perseus
  677. Peter
  678. Phoenix
  679. Pierre
  680. Pierson
  681. Pike
  682. Pilot
  683. Porter
  684. Porty
  685. Potter
  686. Preston
  687. Prussian
  688. Pryor
  689. Psalm
  690. Puma
  691. Pye
  692. Quade
  693. Quin
  694. Quincy
  695. Quinn
  696. Quinton
  697. Rafferty
  698. Ramone
  699. Ramsey
  700. Ranger
  701. Raphael
  702. Ray
  703. Rayden
  704. Raymond
  705. Raynor
  706. Reece
  707. Reef
  708. Reese
  709. Reeve
  710. Reid
  711. Reign
  712. Reinhardt
  713. Remington
  714. Remus
  715. Renzo
  716. Reuben
  717. Reynolds
  718. Rhett
  719. Rhiatt
  720. Rhodes
  721. Rhodri
  722. Rhyan
  723. Rhydian
  724. Rhyson
  725. Ridge
  726. Riley
  727. River
  728. Robert
  729. Robin
  730. Roche
  731. Rocket
  732. Rocky
  733. Rogan
  734. Roger
  735. Roman
  736. Rome
  737. Romeo
  738. Ronan
  739. Ronin
  740. Ronnie
  741. Rory
  742. Ross
  743. Rowdy
  744. Rowe
  745. Rufus
  746. Russell
  747. Ryder
  748. Rye
  749. Ryker
  750. Saddler
  751. Saggar
  752. Saint
  753. Salem
  754. Salvador
  755. Samuel
  756. Saul
  757. Saunders
  758. Saxon
  759. Scott
  760. Seamus
  761. Sean
  762. Sebastian
  763. Seth
  764. Shane
  765. Shannon
  766. Shaw
  767. Shipley
  768. Sid
  769. Silas
  770. Sinclair
  771. Slade
  772. Slate
  773. Slater
  774. Sloan
  775. Sly
  776. Smith
  777. Solar
  778. Solomon
  779. Sorren
  780. Sparrow
  781. Spencer
  782. Spiro
  783. Steele
  784. Stellan
  785. Steo
  786. Sterling
  787. Stetson
  788. Stewart
  789. Story
  790. Stratton
  791. Stuart
  792. Sullivan
  793. Summit
  794. Sutton
  795. Swain
  796. Sylvester
  797. Tadeo
  798. Tahkye
  799. Taiden
  800. Taiten
  801. Taiyo
  802. Taj
  803. Talon
  804. Tane
  805. Tao
  806. Tariq
  807. Tarrant
  808. Tate
  809. Tatum
  810. Taurus
  811. Tavis
  812. Tavish
  813. Teddy
  814. Tennyson
  815. Terrell
  816. Terrence
  817. Tex/Texas
  818. Thames
  819. Thatcher
  820. Theo
  821. Theoden
  822. Theron
  823. Thorin
  824. Thorn
  825. Thorpe
  826. Tiberius
  827. Tidus
  828. Timothy
  829. Tobias
  830. Todd
  831. Tomas
  832. Tommy
  833. Tony
  834. Torbin
  835. Toretto
  836. Toronto
  837. Tory
  838. Trent
  839. Trenton
  840. Trevor
  841. Trey
  842. Tristan
  843. Tristen
  844. Triton
  845. Truett
  846. Trumen
  847. Tucker
  848. Turbo
  849. Turner
  850. Ty
  851. Tyde
  852. Tyke
  853. Tylan
  854. Tyler
  855. Uriah
  856. Valen
  857. Valor
  858. Van
  859. Vance
  860. Vaughn
  861. Vermont
  862. Vihaan
  863. Vincent
  864. Vinn
  865. Vinson
  866. Vulcan
  867. Wade
  868. Walker
  869. Wallace
  870. Warren
  871. Washington
  872. Waylon
  873. Wells
  874. Wesley
  875. Weston
  876. Wilder
  877. Wilfred
  878. Willie
  879. Wilson
  880. Wilton
  881. Windsor
  882. Wing
  883. Winslow
  884. Wolf
  885. Wrangler
  886. Wyatt
  887. Wylie
  888. Wynston
  889. Xander
  890. Xavier
  891. Xeno
  892. Xeon
  893. York
  894. Yosef
  895. Zack
  896. Zandah
  897. Zane
  898. Zarren
  899. Zayd
  900. Zayden
  901. Zeo
  902. Zephyr
  903. Zeppelin
  904. Zeth
  905. Zev
  906. Zhayd
  907. Ziggy
  908. Zion
  909. Zoltan
  910. Zyler


How can I choose the best name for my baby boy?

The best thing to do at the beginning is to narrow the search down to a few names so that it is less overwhelming. Then you can decide based off of your few favorites.

Do unique baby name generators exist?

Yes, there are name generators out there that will create unique names for your child. Some of them will charge a subscription, however, so do be aware of this. Some examples include datayze.com, name-generator.org.uk and gentlename.com.

How does a baby name generator work?

Normally, a name generator uses statistics about current baby naming trends to generate new names that are both easy to read and pronounce.It will combine these popular names and create a unique set of names for you to choose from.

Are there any pitfalls to beware of when naming your baby?

There are usually a few things to look for when you are naming a child. Pitfalls such as embarrassing initials, strange meanings, and over popularity are things that you should be watching for. It is always best to do a little research before naming your child.

Do you have to come up with a creative name for your baby?

Not at all! There is no pressure or requirement on you to name your child something completely out of the ordinary. Just be sure that if you give your kid a crazy or unusual name, that you have a reason for doing so.

910 Unique Boys Names That Will Make Naming Your Baby More Exciting | Inspirationfeed (2)
Posted by:Igor Ovsyannnykov

Igor is an SEO specialist, designer, photographer, writer and music producer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams.When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading books, taking photos, producing house music, and learning about cinematography. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.

910 Unique Boys Names That Will Make Naming Your Baby More Exciting | Inspirationfeed (2024)


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