Miata weekend at Laguna Seca [Archive] - Page 3 (2024)

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12th March 2009, 11:59

Not that the track will be crowded, but now there are 130 slots? Thought it was going to be held at 100?I'm just guessing, but I don't think the car numbers have anything to do with car count. Notice there is a 22, 122 & 222. This means three people applied for # 22; one got it and the other two got their 2nd, or 3rd choice. Comprende?


12th March 2009, 15:00

In case of foul weather (rain ?) will the garages be opened or some other place where we can get out of the elements between runs ?


12th March 2009, 15:53

Isn't is always sunny in California? :rolleyes:

Weather forecast (http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Monterey&state=CA&site=MTR&textField1=36.6003&textField2=-121.894&e=1) looks good...


12th March 2009, 23:11

In case of foul weather (rain ?) will the garages be opened or some other place where we can get out of the elements between runs ?Going into the end of next week it should be pleasant and dry.

Ian McCloghrie

12th March 2009, 23:30

Isn't is always sunny in California? :rolleyes:

Always? No, not in March, and especially not in Monterey.

10 day forecasts aren't what I'd call reliable, but I'm hoping it stays dry!



13th March 2009, 00:07

Me too, I don't have windows! LOL


13th March 2009, 08:08

Monterey weather is "iffy" . It could be nice and sunny here in the SFO area, but it could be sunny,windy and cold down there. I'd wait until sometime mid-week to check the weather forecast again.


13th March 2009, 10:23

Just wanted to touch on this again... I'm still planning to meet up with some of you guys next Friday morning at the IHOP in Santa Barbara so we can drive up the coast to Monterey. Any more details I should know about?


13th March 2009, 11:33

In case of foul weather (rain ?) will the garages be opened or some other place where we can get out of the elements between runs ?To answer your question... I've been to Laguna Seca many times for HPDE and I've never seen the garages open. I don't expect this event will be any different. Shoot, they didn't even exist until about 5 yearas ago.


13th March 2009, 11:57

So plan ahead for California weather at its best.
A parka at night, a fleese in the morning, strip to T shirt and shorts in the afternoon with lots of sun screen ear-plugs sun-glasses and a hat; and a raincoat if it rains.


13th March 2009, 13:08

I'll totally be happy regardless of temperatures...just so long as it's dry.


13th March 2009, 13:45


More room is available in the banquet!

Rick surprised me with a phone call yesterday. I didn't even know he was working on this. We're managed to get the big room at the hotel, so now we have room for more peoples. Around 30-50 more if I understand correctly.

Award-winning wines, good food, Tom Matano and lots of bench racing. Don't miss out!

If you were already on the waiting list, you should have an email. If you weren't, then sign up now. It's first-come, first-serve. Spread the word.

By the way, we kicked a church fundraising dinner out of the big room so we could do this. Against their wishes. We're going to hell :D


13th March 2009, 14:04

So plan ahead for California weather at its best.
A parka at night, a fleese in the morning, strip to T shirt and shorts in the afternoon with lots of sun screen ear-plugs sun-glasses and a hat; and a raincoat if it rains.

EAR PLUGS ? nah...........


13th March 2009, 14:51

Agreed, the sound is sweet.
It's just after 4-6 hours it tends to get on ones nerves, I still recommend having a pair with you. Laguna is basically a bowl which can amplify the noise. The spectators are on the rim and in the center. I've done it both ways, and I kinda like having the plugs to go to if I want.


13th March 2009, 15:01

Well... ear plugs will drop your lap times - the less your brain has to process, the easier it is to process sight and touch, so for driver's they are a HUGE advantage.

The spec miatas are usually the loudest miatas on track - us turbo guys are like super sneaky ninjas :) so for this weekend I don't think plugs are necessary - that is what your index fingers are for :D


13th March 2009, 15:17

Agreed, the sound is sweet.
It's just after 4-6 hours it tends to get on ones nerves, I still recommend having a pair with you. Laguna is basically a bowl which can amplify the noise. The spectators are on the rim and in the center. I've done it both ways, and I kinda like having the plugs to go to if I want.
just messin'. I never wear earplugs at any races I attend, even NHRA. I cannot get enough !!
This is my first HPDE. I want to get my $$ worth. No earplugs for me. To each his/her own. I wanna hear what my car is doin at all times.
See ya'll there !!!


13th March 2009, 16:07

I believe the above thread says roll bar is not a requirement for parade laps (only).

The 3/9 event is through yourprivatetrackdays.com, and many of the members are Corvette owners. I'll be instructing at this event.


I was at the yourprivatetrackday.com event..and yes there were several cars on track without roll bars...E30 BMW convertible just to name one. I think it is more of an organizer requirement than a track requirement. BTW, I would never take a convertible on any track for a track day withOUT a roll bar of some sort. Or instruct in one.


13th March 2009, 18:35


More room is available in the banquet!

Rick surprised me with a phone call yesterday. I didn't even know he was working on this. We're managed to get the big room at the hotel, so now we have room for more peoples. Around 30-50 more if I understand correctly.

Award-winning wines, good food, Tom Matano and lots of bench racing. Don't miss out!

If you were already on the waiting list, you should have an email. If you weren't, then sign up now. It's first-come, first-serve. Spread the word.

By the way, we kicked a church fundraising dinner out of the big room so we could do this. Against their wishes. We're going to hell :D

Great! I just sent in my registration. I also called my friend Skip Noyes who works at Clearwater Audio to let him know since he and his boss weren't registered for the banquet.


13th March 2009, 21:18

Off topic How did you get a blue plate ??


13th March 2009, 21:28

As we are now just over a week away for the big event I want to give a big shout out to the hard working people putting this together. Rick Weldon started this ball rolling last year and has been the driving force behind this event happening. I suggest you all seek him out and shake his hand, in fact, give him a big hug, he is into that! :)

Keith too has been working his regular day job(s) and putting a ton of effort in making this event happen. Not sure if Keith hugs total stranger or not but look him up next weekend and offer up a smile and a thank you.

I know there are others involved who's names I do not know but Kudos to those people as well.

Every event I have been to at Laguna has been a dry one. Some dont start out that way but end beautifully. Looks like this one is heading in that direction too and so I take full credit!! Unless of course it rains.:rolleyes:

I have had the good fortune to live close enough to this track to get some major time on it. I look forward to seeing all the smiling faces of the first timers.

See you all there. :wave:

Mark Booth

14th March 2009, 16:36

I'm looking forward to matching some names to faces too! :)

I'll be the guy in the shiny red Miata! :D



15th March 2009, 01:58

I'll be in the red miata with the dark blue hard top and black 6ULs. Feel free to say hello.
I hope to see lots of the socal folks friday morning at IHOP in Santa Barbara.



15th March 2009, 03:47

If all goes as planned I will be there in franken-BRG. I was hoping to install the engine today, but one of the transmission bellhousing bolts snapped so I am going to have to buy bolt extractors...and a new torque wrench. Actually my sk wrench was fine - the bolt snugged up, but never got to the point where it would click so I checked the other bolts and it clicked, back to the bolt in question and snap-ola :bang:

I am REALLY looking forward to the event and seeing old friends putting names to the faces!


15th March 2009, 12:53

I'm looking forward to matching some names to faces too! :)

I'll be the guy in the shiny red Miata! :D

MarkOh, that really narrows it down!
...we'll be in the black NA hardtop with the barndoors open and the dazed and confused occupants will have huge smiles nonetheless. When we're out of the car, we will look too tall for a Miata. :D


15th March 2009, 16:47

I was able to get banquet tickets for the wife and I last night - good stuff.

I also installed a cruise control to make the drive nicer on the straight bits.



15th March 2009, 18:27

If all goes as planned I will be there in franken-BRG. I was hoping to install the engine today, but one of the transmission bellhousing bolts snapped so I am going to have to buy bolt extractors...and a new torque wrench. Actually my sk wrench was fine - the bolt snugged up, but never got to the point where it would click so I checked the other bolts and it clicked, back to the bolt in question and snap-ola :bang:

I am REALLY looking forward to the event and seeing old friends putting names to the faces!

I will be sharing a stock-ish Black 93 LE, not my usual white with blue racing stripes track monster. I am sure I will be exercising the usage of my rear view mirror on the track for a change.



15th March 2009, 18:37

I'm looking forward to matching some names to faces too! :)

I'll be the guy in the shiny red Miata! :D

You can spot me wearing my stylish black helmet.


15th March 2009, 22:40

I'll be driving the red 99 with Panasports and seat covers lovingly crafted from wine colored, marine grade naugahyde.
See you in SB at the IHOP!


15th March 2009, 23:05

i cannot restrain my excitement for this. I have finals all this week but I can't help myself from detailing the car and making sure all the nuts and bolts are in order. It's too damn awesome!


16th March 2009, 08:49

Definetly wnat to give a big THANK YOU to Rick, Keith and everybody working more behind the scenes, you know who you are better than we do, THANK YOU TOO!
Also want to thank the frequent posters here for good feedback (plus I learned more about cameras than I ever hoped to know ;-)

Let's roll!


16th March 2009, 12:09

Got into L.A. Saturday night and was treated to a late showing of "Ninja 3" at some theater up on Fairfax. As good as that was, I think this weekend will be even better... :D

See y'all in SB on Friday... looking forward to it!


16th March 2009, 12:18

MiniMe, you can drive the car with a missing bellhousing bolt. At least, that's what I learned when I went to change the clutch in my first Miata and found one missing...

Rick's the guy you need to thank. He and a couple of other have been doing most of the work. Mine's just more visible :)

We're almost ready to leave here. I'll be hitting the road on Wednesday night so I can have a relaxing day in Monterey with Janel on Friday. My tools and spares are all packed and the car's ready. Bill reports the Westfield is good to go. Now we just have to get Elvis sorted out and get the NC ready.


16th March 2009, 12:31

I've been getting a lot of requests for info about the "KINOD Caravan" group that will be driving together to the MRLS event from SoCal. For those who are interested in joining our caravan, here is the caravan info:

-KINOD Caravan will meet at 5:00am Friday morning at the Krispy Kreme in the City of Industry.
Details about the initial meeting point:
Address: 1548 Azusa Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748
Link to map: LINK (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1548+Azusa+Ave.,+City+of+Industry,+CA+91748&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.396866,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=33.99559,-117.931259&spn=0.008788,0.013733&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr)
It is located just south of the Azusa Ave exit of the 60 FWY, in the Puente Hills Mall parking lot.

-KINOD Caravan departs at 5:30am sharp. If you're late, you'll have to catch up with us.
-KINOD Caravan drives 60 west to 101 north until we get to Santa Barbara
-KINOD Caravan stops at IHOP in Santa Barbara ~8am-9am for breakfast. This is the secondary meeting point so other Miatas and groups can join the KINOD Caravan.

Details about the IHOP meeting point:
Address: 1701 State St, Santa Barbara, CA‎ 93101
Link to map: LINK (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1701+State+St,+Santa+Barbara,+CA%E2%80%8E+93101&sll=34.429514,-119.711452&sspn=0.008743,0.013733&ie=UTF8&ll=34.428293,-119.711194&spn=0.008743,0.013733&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr)
The IHOP is off the 101 at the Arrellaga exit, Left on State St go one more block and it's on the Left. Corner of State and Valerio.

-KINOD Caravan departs IHOP at 10am, continues north on 101 then to PCH
-Hilarity & fun ensues as we enjoy the drive up PCH until we get to the MRLS event. We'll probably be doing random stops for photos/food/etc a few times along the way.
-Arrive at MRLS host hotel sometime in the early evening.
-KINOD meet begins in host hotel parking lot at 8-9pm

Anyone who wants to join the caravan will be more than welcome to do so. Other groups/caravans are also welcomed to join us either at the initial starting point or at the IHOP meeting point as well. See you on Friday!


16th March 2009, 14:18

I'll do my best to make the meet at IHOP in Santa Barbara - but I may be leaving as late as 8am from Glendale, so we'll see if I can catch everyone before they depart. If not, I'll just have to catch you up on PCH :)


16th March 2009, 14:37

Leave about 10?


16th March 2009, 16:04

I don't remember planning, primpin, and prepping as much for an event since my first wedding. The anticipation is getting out of hand. The wife has to work and can't come but she will be glad when I leave on Wednesday as that's all I talk about.....


16th March 2009, 16:13

MiniMe, you can drive the car with a missing bellhousing bolt. At least, that's what I learned when I went to change the clutch in my first Miata and found one missing...

You only need 3 or 4.....the rest are just backup.....


16th March 2009, 17:31

Leave about 10?

I would love to but the wife is following in her car and since she is kind enough to haul stuff I should probably not leave her in my dust. :(


16th March 2009, 18:22

snipped a bit; We're almost ready to leave here. I'll be hitting the road on Wednesday night so I can have a relaxing day in Monterey with Janel on Friday. My tools and spares are all packed and the car's ready. Bill reports the Westfield is good to go. Now we just have to get Elvis sorted out and get the NC ready.

Keith, Minime and I will be staying @ the track (I have an RV). Friday evening, we'll be having a BBQ. It's a BYOB (bring your own beef/beer) potluck. Come on and hang out if you want. You have my #, give me a call.


16th March 2009, 20:17

Since a pic is worth 1000+ words... look for me coming down from Mountain View, CA in this [pic1 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3289/2483488327_75079730a6.jpg)].
But I doubt I will be able to (or be wise to) perform this stunt [pic2 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3098/3217710686_3b38097e03.jpg)] at Laguna Seca! :D


16th March 2009, 23:12

I was in Monterey last night, took my daughter to the aquarium this morning. What a beautiful town. We stopped by Laguna Seca on the way out today. It seems to still be there. I can't wait till the weekend.
Look forward meeting the KINOD folks at IHOP on Friday.

Ford Prefect

16th March 2009, 23:58

Please forgive this relatively silly set of questions. :O

For those of us who rarely put numbers on our cars, what would the organizers like to see? Will we be OK with, say, 4" painters' tape numerals on the upper right corner of the windshields, or should we shoot for really big digits on the doors? If the latter, do we need to number both doors, or just one? If one, is left or right preferred?

Jeepers ... I must be getting really excited. :jump:

Thanks to Rick, Keith and all of the other folks who are making this possible. I'm looking forward to meeting everybody I can this weekend. :)


17th March 2009, 03:16

Please forgive this relatively silly set of questions. :O

For those of us who rarely put numbers on our cars, what would the organizers like to see? Will we be OK with, say, 4" painters' tape numerals on the upper right corner of the windshields, or should we shoot for really big digits on the doors? If the latter, do we need to number both doors, or just one? If one, is left or right preferred?

Jeepers ... I must be getting really excited. :jump:

The organizers say 8" numbers on each door and maybe hood. They can be magnetic or tape of contrasting color. Just something that won't fall off and that's readable from a distance considering you will be a bluuuuur.....


17th March 2009, 03:34

Please forgive this relatively silly set of questions. :O

For those of us who rarely put numbers on our cars, what would the organizers like to see? Will we be OK with, say, 4" painters' tape numerals on the upper right corner of the windshields, or should we shoot for really big digits on the doors? If the latter, do we need to number both doors, or just one? If one, is left or right preferred?

Jeepers ... I must be getting really excited. :jump:

Thanks to Rick, Keith and all of the other folks who are making this possible. I'm looking forward to meeting everybody I can this weekend. :)

From the horses mouth:
Car Numbers
Drivers will need to supply their own car numbers. By now you should have confirmation of your car number -- or you can check back at the website where we will be posting the final, official list of car numbers.

Minimum requirement is that numbers be at least 10 inches tall, one on each door, in a contrasting color so that it's easily visible. Nothing fancy necessary -- just legible. You can use tape or white shoe polish if you want.

I would recommend you put numbers on both sides. I will be the "official" photographer of the event and all pics will be keyworded with car color and number. If we can't spot your number in the photo it will be listed by color. So if you dont want to sort through a lot of blue miatas put numbers on both sides.


17th March 2009, 04:16

more so if theres a problem with your car ( for example) they need to identify you.
for flagging purposes

Ford Prefect

17th March 2009, 10:08

Thanks guys ... I must have missed the memo.


17th March 2009, 10:48

Hey guys, I just got the OK from Rick. We can bring Miata parts out to hock @ the MRLS event just like @ Miatapalooza. So, if you have some used parts taking up space or new ones that you changed your mind on, bring them out. I'll have a few performance parts I'll be hocking. Stop by my RV or see me in the pits. I'm # 715.


17th March 2009, 11:23

This is probably mentioned a dozen times in the last 14 pages of this thread, but...

I'm driving down early Sunday AM. I assume I can purchase a $35 participant wristband at the track. Can anyone tell me who to see and where they will be hanging out? I should arrive about 9:00 AM or so. Thanks.

Mark Booth

17th March 2009, 11:32

Just got the E-mail from Rick about all the last-minute stuff. We aren't staying at the host hotel (we have family near the track) but we do plan to drive into Monterey on Friday evening to get some clam chowder at Fisherman's Wharf. So, we will plan to stop by the hotel and get event registration out of the way early.

Unhappily, the E-mail from Rick was the first time I heard that we had to sign up for the BAMA-led run on Saturday. When I went to the link, I discovered that the run was already full. No biggie. I probably missed the mention somewhere in this thread.

I'll probably just hang around the track and take pictures. I think Cathy would rather spend time with family anyway.



17th March 2009, 11:51

For those who haven't seen the email (such as Ron), here's the content:

Well, we're down to just a few days before the big event, so I wanted to make sure everyone has as much info as possible before arriving so that things will be as smooth (and fun!) as possible. As always, if you have questions please don't hesitate to drop us a note.

Event Check-in

Pre Event: 6pm to 9pm at Embassy Suites

To reduce lines and stress on Saturday morning, we strongly encourage getting your check-in done in advance. We will have a check-in table in the pre-convene area at the event hotel -- Embassy Suites Seaside (http://www.miatasatmrls.com/hotel.php) -- from 6pm to 9pm on Friday evening. You can find us very easily -- just past the main lobby check-in area. Hotel staff can direct you if you get lost.

Check-in at the track:
7:30am to 4pm Saturday at Event Central
7:30am to noon Sunday at Event Central

Event Central will be in garage 20 in the main paddock area, under the hospitality suites by the main straight. Look for the P R Motorsports banner and check-in table. Using the map below look for the garage just below and to the right of the word "garages".

At check-in you will be given your event credentials (once you have turned in your completed and signed Tech Sheet (very important!) -- which you can print out from this link (http://www.miatasatmrls.com/tech_form.pdf)) Your package will include your run group letter designator (which we provide) which should be put on the top of the drivers side of your windshield along with the sticker (which we also provide) which shows which day(s) you've paid for.
Event staff are here to help you. We will be very easy to spot -- just look for the bright lime t-shirts with "Event Staff -- Ask me" on the back.

We've reserved the entire row parallel to the garages for the Vendor Alley. Other than that, there are no real parking restrictions as there's plenty of room -- however please park in the Paddock area only, so that you can hear the announcements.

The track gas pumps will be open for credit card purchases. A word of warning though -- although there will be higher octane available than you can normally purchase, race gas prices are high -- so unless you need race gas plan on topping off your tank before you get to the track. If you bring fuel containers -- be aware that the track is VERY STRICT ABOUT FUEL SPILLS IN THE PADDOCK!!! So please be careful and considerate to make sure you are extra careful during refueling. We get in a lot of trouble ($$) if you spill fuel.

Event Gear
T-shirts, ball caps, sweatshirts and posters will be available for purchase next to Event Central. (Cash only and exact change appreciated) You can still make sure your size/choice will be there by pre-ordering on-line. (Have you reserved your free choice of ball cap or t-shirt yet? For ordering either way, click here (http://www.miatasatmrls.com/logo_gear.php).

Driver's Meeting
The driver's meeting at 8:30 both days in the classroom is mandatory for all drivers!!!
I hope I emphasized that enough...............

The classroom is in the paddock area near start/finish. Look for all the people streaming that way.

We want a safe event. We want everyone to have an incredibly good time, but our first priority remains safety. Being at the driver's meeting (the mandatory one, remember?) is a good first step in the right direction. Please join us. Or we'll hunt you down.

As added incentive, Doug Gale of TrackMasters Racing will be announcing some very cool giveaways from TrackMasters. But you have to be there to find out.

For first timers/less experienced drivers -- please learn your flags in advance -- it will make things a LOT easier for you (and safer for everyone involved). Here's a good explanation of the various flags used (http://www.cfracing.com/race_flags.asp)

Car Numbers
Drivers will need to supply their own car numbers. By now you should have confirmation of your car number -- or you can check back at the website where we will be posting the final, official list of car numbers.

Minimum requirement is that numbers be at least 10 inches tall, one on each door, in a contrasting color so that it's easily visible. Nothing fancy necessary -- just legible. You can use tape or white shoe polish if you want. You can also have vinyl ones made relatively cheaply at any place that does signage. Here's another good source (http://www.fireballgraphix.com/vinyl/catalog/default.php) that I've used in the past.

Schedule/Run Groups
We will be following the schedule as posted at the website: http://www.miatasatmrls.com/run_groups.php

Saturday Group Photo
After the last group (Group A) has exited the track, we will start feeding cars onto the track from the normal pit entrance (center access of the pits), and staging them in the Andretti Hairpin. There will be people there to helping to position cars. We will be staging cars 5 abreast, with the owner and their passenger next to the car. I would suggest starting to line up at around 11:30, as we have a LOT of Miatas that will be going out. We will be taking several photos to make absolutely sure we've got a really good one, so please be patient. Once the photos are done we're asking everyone to proceed at a sane pace around the track and exit at the usual track exit at the outside of turn 10.

Banquet Saturday Evening
We just found out that we were able to move to a larger space for our banquet. The room we had initially was only large enough for 100 people, but we were just upgraded to a larger ballroom that holds 180! After filling the slots from the waiting list, we have about 20 spaces remaining -- so if you want to join us for the reception and banquet Saturday evening please go to the following link to purchase (first come first served):

Getting excited!!! See you all this weekend!

Rick Weldon


17th March 2009, 13:59

Hey guys, I just got the OK from Rick. We can bring Miata parts out to hock @ the MRLS event just like @ Miatapalooza. So, if you have some used parts taking up space or new ones that you changed your mind on, bring them out. I'll have a few performance parts I'll be hocking. Stop by my RV or see me in the pits. I'm # 715.

Awsome!! I got some shocks and even a racing seat that fits nicely in an 2001. :rolleyes:

Mark Booth

18th March 2009, 01:02

I hate to be the one to point this out, and I certainly hope the forecast turns out to be wrong. But just in case it affects the type of tires folks are planning to bring, etc....

Currently, weather.com (The Weather Channel) is projecting a 30% chance of showers on Saturday and a 60% chance on Sunday.




18th March 2009, 02:00

I hate to be the one to point this out, and I certainly hope the forecast turns out to be wrong. But just in case it affects the type of tires folks are planning to bring, etc....

Currently, weather.com (The Weather Channel) is projecting a 30% chance of showers on Saturday and a 60% chance on Sunday.



Might throw in a set of full tread RA1's myself. thanks for the heads up.



18th March 2009, 02:07

I saw this but didn't want to be the one to mention it. It'll still be fun either way.



18th March 2009, 05:27

^ still rolling top down.


18th March 2009, 10:13

I have asked before, and with the forecast lookin' iffy, is there any place for spectator's to stay out of the elements ? Alot of us are travelling a great distance, with a small car. We are not able to carry alot of "rain gear". Does the Food area have any indoor seating ? Any suggestions short of having spectators staying at the hotel while the drivers go play ?


18th March 2009, 10:38

There is no covered spectator area at Laguna Seca. Zipp, nada, null, zilch. I'm sure cheapo, throwawy ponchos can be had at a local sporting goods store. Also probably at the souvenier store on track. Don't know if it will be open, though. At every track day I've been to at LS, the store is not open, the garages are not open, only the minimum number of restrooms are open. The snack bar (Cruzin Cafe) is open for lunch but does not have indoor seating. But this being a much bigger event than a normal track day, who knows, they might throw it all open.

Of course, there's always the vendors tents... right Keith?


18th March 2009, 11:00

We'll have the awnings open on our trailer :)

The National Weather Service is saying 20% chance of rain for Saturday right now. That's an 80% chance of not rain. Sunday's a "chance of showers". Definitely not enough to keep me at home.


18th March 2009, 13:20

I have asked before, and with the forecast lookin' iffy, is there any place for spectator's to stay out of the elements ? Alot of us are travelling a great distance, with a small car. We are not able to carry alot of "rain gear". Does the Food area have any indoor seating ? Any suggestions short of having spectators staying at the hotel while the drivers go play ?
The few times I have been @ Laguna when it rained in March/April it was not much more than drizzle, just fyi. So, a raincoat and/or umbrella should be sufficient to keep anyone dry if they so choose.

Areas of cover are few and far between and none offer direct track views:

under the garages right off pit row, facing the front straight
classroom right next to the start/finish stand @ pit row
the media tower near the start/finish stand @ pit row - there is a staircase that has coverage on the first 2 floors.
The Yokohama Bridge crossing the track between turns 3 and 4 - although you cannot view the track from inside the bridge, but on the paddock side you can view the cars exiting turn-3 and accelerating down to turn-4
The bridge crossing the front straight - again, no view from inside the bridge, but it lets you cross the track to the hill for a nice high level view of the front straight and some of the other turns.

The 2nd and 3rd floor media tower rooms are a GREAT place to watch cars coming down the front straight, but they will probably be closed. If it is not raining the top of the staircases(on each end of the building) offer decent views of the straight.

Unfortunately the food area is outside, but you can eat inside the classroom.

As for activities for your significant other, there are a TON, although all of them require a means of transportation to get around the area. The hotel is less than 1/4 mile from the beach, however there are MUCH nicer beaches @ the coast between the Cannery Row area of Monterey and Pacific Grove. The tidal pools are very cool, as is the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The beaches in Carmel are amazing - the best in the area. It is a fantastic spot to take pictures of your car with ocean views in the background. Here is a pic of my LE right near the Pebble Beach golf course @ Pacific Grove, on the coast: http://forum.miata.net/vb/showpost.php?p=3049008&postcount=385

The beaches in Carmel are even more picturesque. Carmel is one of the coolest towns I have ever visited. If your significant other likes to shop, Carmel will be like Disneyland.

You could call the hotel and ask if they have a shuttle that could drop you off in Carmel or in Monterey - that would save you from paying a taxi. Then after the HPDE you could go pick her up.


18th March 2009, 13:27

^, Hey, what are you doing posting right now, get your butt back to working on the Hulk :D


18th March 2009, 13:47

Hey, you DISCO POTATO STEALER!(inside, but not so funny joke folks - Begi overnighted my turbo to 2/3rdsCobra, DOH!)

I'm taking a breather as I was pretty frustrated with fighting the engine install. I was out there until 10:30 last night. I haven't thrown the towel in yet, but I will have to push my dyno tuning to Friday if I am to have enough time to get the engine in and everything connected up. I still need to get the TDR IC out to TB in pipe welded up, but in order to do that I need the engine in and then mount up the IC.

The good news is I have most of the wiring ready to go(I think), but I cannot confirm it until the engine is ready to fire, which is looking like tomorrow @ this point.


18th March 2009, 14:15

Ugh, too much work too late. I feel for you, I've been there. My car's packed in the trailer :) I'm on the road in a couple of hours.

Run group assignments and numbers are up on the event website. For some reason, I don't have all the A drivers listed. This is probably because sponsors and vendors aren't listed in that page, and they tend to be in A.



18th March 2009, 14:25

Aaahh what's a little liquid sunshine ? It'll make for a more exciting show on the track for us spectators, especially out of the corkscrew.


18th March 2009, 17:51

::scrambling to find a way to get windows installed on the car::



18th March 2009, 18:17

::scrambling to find a way to get windows installed on the car::

Try plexiglass?


18th March 2009, 18:26

::scrambling to find a way to get windows installed on the car::


Saran Wrap? :D


18th March 2009, 18:51

Ugh, too much work too late. I feel for you, I've been there.
Yup, I just got the engine in, but I just talked to the tuner - friday is out, so FrankenBRG will not make the event :mad: I am still wrenching on it though, might as well since I have the rest of the week off work :)
::scrambling to find a way to get windows installed on the car::

Just drive really fast :D I drove a rented SM a few weekends ago in the rain and I managed to stay dry once @ speed - sitting in the grid/hot pits was a bit moist though :rolleyes:

Well, since Franken won't make it I'll be taking bling-bling down and will assist with the event and track instruction.


18th March 2009, 19:43

Put some race tires on the LE and have a little bit of fun. It'll do it some good to stretch its legs.


18th March 2009, 22:56

Just had a big 'light bulb' come on; rain on Sunday is a pretty big problem for logistics! We will have to be checked out of hotel rooms so we'll have ALL of our stuff with us! I just want everybody to think about that for a minute because, I for one, don't want to do the track event with a loaded trunk! That means there's going to be allot to keep dry and safe. I don't worry about theives around car guys, never had an issue but, the blowing rain could make it interesting, especially for electronic stuff. Bring lots of large trash bags and twist ties!

Rain or shine, it'll be amazing!
99BBB (not BigBallBearing!)


18th March 2009, 23:02

OK, pardon me ..........I LOST MY MIND! I'm staying Sunday night! Well, it could still pertain for some but I guess best bet would be to find somebody who's staying over and throw your stuff in their room, eh?

I gotta remember to b r e a t h e!

See ya soon,


18th March 2009, 23:19

Just had a big 'light bulb' come on; rain on Sunday is a pretty big problem for logistics! We will have to be checked out of hotel rooms so we'll have ALL of our stuff with us! I just want everybody to think about that for a minute because, I for one, don't want to do the track event with a loaded trunk! That means there's going to be allot to keep dry and safe. I don't worry about theives around car guys, never had an issue but, the blowing rain could make it interesting, especially for electronic stuff. Bring lots of large trash bags and twist ties!

Rain or shine, it'll be amazing!
99BBB (not BigBallBearing!)

I will have a pop-up shelter at the event both days and would be happy to keep an eye on stuff. My wife should be there all the time. Otherwise I would not worry to much about theft. Of all the events I have attended at all three tracks in the area I can only recall one theft. People have to go out of their way to get up to the track so I doubt it will be cruised by opportunistic thieves.


18th March 2009, 23:59

I call Mike (Mini Me) for at least one run of instruction!! I'd rather he have the beast running tho.


19th March 2009, 00:32

... and most hotels will hold your bags for you after you check-out. I was planning to leave everything I didn't need for the track there until I drive-home Sunday night.

Having said that, I'll be sure to bring an umbrella, and fairly water resistant duffles to the track :)


19th March 2009, 01:53

Latest weather prediction is for rain late Sat nite early Sun morning. Not to worry needlessly.

Ian McCloghrie

19th March 2009, 02:40

Bring lots of large trash bags and twist ties!

I recommend big plastic tarps. Bring two, put one on the ground, pile your stuff on it, put the other over the top, and then put heavy waterproof stuff on the edges to keep it from blowing away.



19th March 2009, 02:58

Anyone know if there is camping (tents) allowed at the track for this event.



19th March 2009, 03:25

Put some race tires on the LE and have a little bit of fun. It'll do it some good to stretch its legs.
I know, I thought about it, but the brake pads are crap. I used the same brake setup and pads on MiniMe before I put the Wilwood BBK on and better pads and I chewed up the rotors badly and burned the pads nearly to the backing plates. They are bling-bling brakes fo-sho :) The clutch is also starting to slip :rolleyes:

Anyone know if there is camping (tents) allowed at the track for this event.
As in, camping tents in the paddock area? I don't see why not - everyone normally has all their crap on the pavement anyhow. Or did you mean can you camp overnight @ Laguna? Yes, you can camp overnight @ laguna, but not in the paddock area - there is designated camping all over the outside of the track.


19th March 2009, 03:43

Oops, yes I meant overnight camping.
We have camped there at bigger events - I was not sure for this event.
If my wife does not come with me, I may camp - to save some cash.
Is anyone else camping?


19th March 2009, 03:52

Yes, there are at least 4 of us camping. Myron and I are staying in his RV and Ron Branam and his friend are also camping, but not sure if they are in an RV or using tents. We are going to be having an impromptu BBQ friday night so feel free to join us, just bring your own food and beverages - we will have the BBQ lit for everyone. We are hoping to get spot #99, which is the turn closest to the outside of turn-5.


19th March 2009, 12:10


If those parts are starting to fail, then just put them out of their misery @ the track. It'll be a good kill. You can to the LE down, have a bit of fun then tow it back home. With regard to the clutch, just don't shift :D .


19th March 2009, 12:18

I have a set of Metal Master front pads (slightly used for a 1.8) that you can have if need be.


19th March 2009, 12:27

I'm really starting to get excited about the event now...against all my better judgement and work ethic, I've become a clock watcher today.

Can't wait until tomorrow morning to start the trip to Monterey! :)


19th March 2009, 12:49

^, +1. I even took today off to get everything loaded into the RV and get the Miata on the trailer so I could leave a bit earlier tomorrow morning.

As a side note to Minime's post. I am going to try to get space #99, but if I don't/can't, I'll post on this thread where I am @ the track tomorrow afternoon. FWIW, LS has free wifi service in most areas of the campsite.


19th March 2009, 12:54

I can't wait to get out of the office and get packed this afternoon!

I'm really looking forward to the big drive up the PCH tomorrow! :D


19th March 2009, 13:02

Yeah, I'm mentally already on the road with the rest of you :). Car is ready, gotta pack tonight, and will depart tomorrow in time to join the gang at IHOP in Santa Barbara. Can't wait!


19th March 2009, 13:29

Yeah, I'm mentally already on the road with the rest of you :). Car is ready, gotta pack tonight, and will depart tomorrow in time to join the gang at IHOP in Santa Barbara. Can't wait!

I expect that the KINOD Caravan will be arriving at the IHOP sometime in the 8 o'clock hour. That should give us plenty of time to enjoy a hearty breakfast. If you get there early enough, you can join us and MAYBE there will be some bacon left for you (if I don't eat it all first!). :P


19th March 2009, 13:53

Droooool... (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=santa+barbara,+ca&daddr=35.786627,-121.349487+to:monterey,+ca&geocode=&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=8&via=1&sll=35.542395,-120.792155&sspn=2.292857,4.378052&ie=UTF8&z=8)


19th March 2009, 14:21


If those parts are starting to fail, then just put them out of their misery @ the track. It'll be a good kill. You can to the LE down, have a bit of fun then tow it back home. With regard to the clutch, just don't shift :D .
Well, I don't want to kill these 11.5" friction rings as the replacements have to come from WinPro in Taiwan, so it's not like they can be replaced quickly or cheaply.
I have a set of Metal Master front pads (slightly used for a 1.8) that you can have if need be.
Thanks for the offer!, but the pads are a special shape due to the unique calipers used in the BBK. I will eventually resurface the rotors and replace the pads with Carbotech 1521 compound pads.


19th March 2009, 14:46

I'm really starting to get excited about the event now...against all my better judgement and work ethic, I've become a clock watcher today.

Can't wait until tomorrow morning to start the trip to Monterey! :)
I've already taken the whole week off... :cool: but... got to wait for my wife :cry:
See you guys along Pacific Coast Highway :wave:
BTW any plan for the caravan back to South land ?


19th March 2009, 15:37

I'm planning to lead a group (or anyone who wants to go with me) back south from Monterey on Sunday morning...PCH route with a possible stop in Solvang for a nice meal.


19th March 2009, 18:59

We're going to be providing LIVE VIDEO coverage from Laguna Seca over the weekend through http://www.drivingsports.tv

Each show will last about 30 minutes, or as long as we can keep it interesting. We'll have interviews, and some scenes from around the track, vendors, etc.

Tentative webcast schedule:
Saturday - 11am, 6pm
Sunday - 11am

For those on twitter, follow us (http://www.twitter.com/drivingsports) for immediate updates over the weekend and for any last-minute viewing webcast opportunities.

Or, just check our calendar:


19th March 2009, 19:27

Will the coverage be archived for later viewing? That'd be totally awesome!


19th March 2009, 19:33

Warm jackets and woolly hats!
It's going to be a cool drive up the 1, and maybe a bit foggy.
(but hopefully not wet.)


19th March 2009, 19:47

I did not know you ran the BBKs. Maybe I'll bring them anyway and sell them cheap. Hope you make it.
"Thanks for the offer!, but the pads are a special shape due to the unique calipers used in the BBK. I will eventually resurface the rotors and replace the pads with Carbotech 1521 compound pads."


19th March 2009, 19:48

That would be Woolery hats.


19th March 2009, 21:04

I'll be towing my tire trailer w/ a blue 10'x10' fold out canopy strapped to the top of the trailer. People are welcome to come find shelter under the canopy if that forecasted 80% of dryness fails.


19th March 2009, 23:56

800 miles down, about 1000 to go! So far, so good! Made it to El Paso! See everybody soon!



20th March 2009, 00:18

800 miles down, about 1000 to go! So far, so good! Made it to El Paso! See everybody soon!Say Hi to Billy Joe and Bobby Sue for us! ;)

Safe travel!!


20th March 2009, 02:45

Kids in bed. Car is packed. Only question left is whether I'll be able to sleep at all tonight ;)

See you all at MRLS!


20th March 2009, 02:51

The gravel is pretty deep :)

Mark Booth

20th March 2009, 05:50

It's o'dark-thirty on Friday morning. Cathy and I will be heading out the door in about 45 minutes. Miata is packed and blurry-eyed driver and passenger are hoping the rush of the adventure ahead will keep us awake for 450 miles! :)

See ya'll at registration tonight!



20th March 2009, 09:43

Zoom Zoom Zoom! I'm hitting the road to see the KINOD contingency at IHOP!


20th March 2009, 10:49

The gravel is pretty deep :)
In the unlikely event you do have a gravel landing keep two things in mind. Drive straight off. Not to put too fine a point on it but cars have rolled by trying to turn back onto the track too soon. Second, have a good attachment point with easy access. The only time I went off track I had a grill covering the opening on the front of my car and they had a heck of a time getting a hook on the car. :)


20th March 2009, 10:52

I'll be out the door in half an hour. Everyone have a safe and enjoyable trip :wave: .


20th March 2009, 16:36

Ok, I'm @ space 36. The Can Am camp grounds is closed so space 99 isn't available. At the guard shack, make a hard left and follow the signs to space 36. See ya there.


20th March 2009, 20:12

All I had is my crappy cell phone camera, but here's a snapshot of 15 Miatas from the SoCal / KINOD Caravan at Morro Rock. I'm sure someone from the group will post some better pics shortly.


It was a very fun drive!

Mark Booth

21st March 2009, 01:26

Cathy and I and our small O'dark-thirty contingent got to Monterey about noon. Took awhile to clean all of the bugs off of the front of the Miata! :) Then we headed down to the Embassy Suites to pre-register. Then it was off to The Sardine Factory for a delicious dinner!

Unfortunately, as we headed back to our family's house (near Laguna Seca), Highway 68 was closed just west of Tarpy's. Highway Patrol on scene with flares across the entire highway and having everyone turn around. Took us another half hour to wind our way back to 1 and come in from the south. We're guessing there must have been some sort of accident... perhaps a head-on collision. Probably a fatality given the closure of the highway. I sure hope no Miatas were involved!

See everyone at the track in the morning!



21st March 2009, 12:50

All I had is my crappy cell phone camera, but here's a snapshot of 15 Miatas from the SoCal / KINOD Caravan at Morro Rock. I'm sure someone from the group will post some better pics shortly.


It was a very fun drive!

So jealous. Say, Hi to Woolery, and KFJ (Steve) for me.


21st March 2009, 14:22

All I had is my crappy cell phone camera, but here's a snapshot of 15 Miatas from the SoCal / KINOD Caravan at Morro Rock. I'm sure someone from the group will post some better pics shortly.


It was a very fun drive!

wow nice, i like that green one with the "Italian body kit", it looks really nice


21st March 2009, 20:43

So jealous. Say, Hi to Woolery, and KFJ (Steve) for me.

Cool group of guys -- had a great drive up the coast with everyone. I got to hang out with Steve Friday night and talk Miatae - very nice guy.

wow nice, i like that green one with the "Italian body kit", it looks really nice

That's a pitcrew nose, and (I think) a Simpson design rear bumper on the back. But that isn't the half of it. Dave (Mr. Woolery) owns that car, and did an amazing job on the body work. Everything is so finely detailed it looks like it was originally designed that way - an incredible accomplishment. You'll have to get him to tell you more about it - but his car is absolutely beautiful up close.


21st March 2009, 20:50

(about the green/yellow Italian style body kit miata)...You'll have to get him to tell you more about it - but his car is absolutely beautiful up close.
And beautiful from behind while hop lapping on track too! ;)
<--- B-#24 montego NA w/ silver hardtop


21st March 2009, 20:52

heh - if Woolery was in my run group, I don't think I'd see much more than a yellow/green blur as he sped by me ;)


21st March 2009, 23:12

we are in 949racing rotrex supercharged car both days. It is a red 99 NB, we give rides all day. Come say hi. Want to see us car too


22nd March 2009, 02:06

Hi guys! It was a great morning at Laguna Seca. I uploaded some pictures to Flickr from the morning. I also got Tom Matano signing some cars.

I also have more, but these came out best. If you want the Nikon RAW version or looking for a particular car, let me know.



22nd March 2009, 13:58

Thanks for sharing the pics!


22nd March 2009, 15:43

Just added some more pictures including the group shot gathering and some more track shots:


22nd March 2009, 20:43

Quite the event. Nice to put face to the names, meet new people and some old friends. Thanks to Rick (and everyone) for all the work, and to Tom Matano who looked like he has as much fun as anyone. I will always remain Inspired.
For me, although I was only a spectator, it was worth the price just to ride with George in the red 949 Racing car. http://210photos.smugmug.com/gallery/7683072_yjdR4#496258572_MNmWn
Unforgettable, especially going into the corkscrew at 80 or so sideways.


22nd March 2009, 22:07

just got back,Hope KINOD made and impression. :)


22nd March 2009, 22:55

This weekend was a monumental occasion for the Miata community...

Rick W did a world class job in organizing this event. It was stunning in how well it was organized, in particularly with the huge number of people present...

I loved running on the track both days, and my wife enjoyed being out for the group photo (which was a lot of fun,especially when we all were beeping our horns) and today's parade laps...The weather held up thankfully and the track conditions were very nice...

Hopefully Mazda corporate will notice how enthusiastic us owners are, and continue to give us this outlet in the future...

Brian Goodwin, nice talking with you yesterday...Your car is stunning...
Also meet and talked with a lot more people, this was a great friendly occasion...

Oh and BTW if anyone has pics of my Silver NC (#333) with hardtop I'd be delighted to get any photo you have of my car... You can email it to pdxa4 at yahoo dot com...

JasonC SBB

22nd March 2009, 22:56

Even though I didn't do the track event, I had loads of fun.
Kudos to all who helped organize it!



22nd March 2009, 23:22

Great event! My 1st time @ Laguna Seca, thus I got to add it to my 'collection'. <pic1 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3463/3374322053_d8e27e1ac4.jpg)> <pic2 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3432/3374322227_1dc4e044df.jpg)>

Thanks 1e6+ for all the organizers & volunteers for such a wonderful event! Great to meet fellow m-dotsters: PDSA4 & Dan Farmer in person. Unfortunately those were the only 2 I met from here, that I'm aware of.

Also I'm VERY upset when I was unpacking my car an hr ago... as I lost my Tom Matano signed event poster. :( It was in the cardboard mailer tube (along w/ my roll of white kitchen counter adhesive vinyl. Was a great idea for car # from who ever mentioned it here!). The tube was there piled w/ my stash of stuff while I was packing up at the track... and now I don't remember packing it into my car. Must have been blown away by the wind while I had my back to it. :sad:

If anyone has got photo of me (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3374322993_def4107d51_b.jpg) (both days: B grp #24, NA, Montego blue mica w/ silver hardtop), I would love it if you don't mind sharing. email to windsurf_dean at yahoo.



22nd March 2009, 23:22

Great day today.Took over 300 pics today. Will post when I'm done with them.


23rd March 2009, 00:02

A ride with Bill in the Westfield made my day. What a great event.
95 Black & Tan


23rd March 2009, 00:35

Fun! Fun! Fun! Good to see such a great turn out! =)


23rd March 2009, 00:53

Great event! My 1st time @ Laguna Seca, thus I got to add it to my 'collection'. <pic1 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3463/3374322053_d8e27e1ac4.jpg)> <pic2 (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3432/3374322227_1dc4e044df.jpg)>

Thanks 1e6+ for all the organizers & volunteers for such a wonderful event! Great to meet fellow m-dotsters: PDSA4 & Dan Farmer in person. Unfortunately those were the only 2 I met from here, that I'm aware of.

Also I'm VERY upset when I was unpacking my car an hr ago... as I lost my Tom Matano signed event poster. :( It was in the cardboard mailer tube (along w/ my roll of white kitchen counter adhesive vinyl. Was a great idea for car # from who ever mentioned it here!). The tube was there piled w/ my stash of stuff while I was packing up at the track... and now I don't remember packing it into my car. Must have been blown away by the wind while I had my back to it. :sad:

If anyone has got photo of me (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3374322993_def4107d51_b.jpg) (both days: B grp #24, NA, Montego blue mica w/ silver hardtop), I would love it if you don't mind sharing. email to windsurf_dean at yahoo.


Hey Dean,

Great to meet you today... :wave:

Hopefully someone else found your poster, and will contact you...


23rd March 2009, 02:37

Man, I wish there was some way to do this every year. That track is so much fun. Especially fun with all Miatas. Maybe for the 25th anniversary at least? That's to all who put this together.


Mark Booth

23rd March 2009, 08:56

Cathy and I are getting an early start to head home this morning. We had a great time this weekend! I took over 1,000 photos! I was lucky enough to be in the right spot at the right time to capture Dave Woolery doing the "Spec Miata Line" down the corkscrew and, sadly, capture another Miata going down the corkscrew in the gravel. :eek: Fortunately, he kept the car straight (otherwise, he would have surely rolled) but when he hit the bottom, it was a pretty big jolt and it set off the passenger airbag. Windshield was toast and that was the end of the day for that Miata. Happily, the driver was unhurt.

Anyway, give me a few days to go through the photos and pick a few dozen of my favorites. I'll post a link to my SmugMug site once I've got them uploaded.


Brian Goodwin

23rd March 2009, 10:22

Awesome weekend! We got back about 11pm last night. Many thanks again to Rick Weldon and his crew for a first class organizing and administration of the event. Can't say enough about what an incredible job they did. Rick mentioned at one point that the goal of getting around 200 folks signed up had been far surpassed...something like 480 signed in by Saturday! With those kind of numbers there was a lot of work to be done...and yet they made the entire weekend super smooth!

It has big fun to put faces to many names I had met over the years only by phone and email. Thanks to all the customers who took a moment to come over and say hello! It was also great fun to talk again with old friends I don't see often enough. Had lunch with Jim Langer from Racing Beat and gave him a spin in our 07 around the track. Gave as many rides to customers in our Cosworth 07 as there were run groups on Saturday...ran all the groups Saturday for 220 miles of track time that day...and another 89 miles Sunday before packing up early for the 8 hour tow home. The Flyin Miata folks were giving rides constantly in their cars too, so hopefully everybody who wanted a spin around the track found the opportunity.

I had a fun moment when I briefly met up with Bill Cardell at the flag stand Sunday. Bill quickly admitted he was there to learn why he had been black flagged at the end of the prior session...I admitted I was there for the same reason. Bill then responded that he thought he was on his THIRD black flag of the weekend....and I chuckled and responded "me too!" The rules were simply a little more strict than usual on the passing at this event....but with good reason.

Got a few grumbles on that point from friends in the race group who were accustomed to being able to treat the race group like a real open passing race group (you speedventures drivers know who you are! ;) ). Rick didn't allow the more aggressive moves at this event for good reason....we had so many beginner drivers that the C and D groups filled fast and drivers of only moderate experience were pushed up into the racer A and B groups by necessity. We had guys in "open passing" B who had not driven the track before. When Rick asked at the driver's meeting on the first morning how many were about to have their first Laguna Seca track experience it was about 3/4s of the room raising their hands....I was surprised because I had never seen the ratio of first timers that high. It reflected the fact that folks had driven to the event from all over the country, and beyond. With that high beginner ratio, Rick certainly had no choice and made the right call....even if his own instructors like Bill and I occasionally found ourselves on the wrong end of the black flags. We had a few cars in gravel traps throughout the weekend but nothing serious that I saw...a real tribute to the fine management.

The weather was amazing! Both mornings the clouds were dark and light drops could be felt. Saturday night it rained hard and early in the morning the wind was howling and dark clouds were still covering the sky. But on both days the sun broke through and the track dried and it was cool but clear and absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see more of the pictures, they should be amazing.

I must give a quick shout out to the Cosworth guys who came out to the event and set up their vendor space next to our truck...they were awesome!

Thanks again to everybody for a super fun weekend!


23rd March 2009, 12:00

1100 miles Zoom-Zoom, topdown all the way along the famous Pacific Coast Highways in Spring time : :)
Seeing NEW Miatas and talking to Miatans :wave:
First ever chilling moment with Miata on the real raceway :cry:
Burning thick skins and rubber as well :eek:
Fun! Fun!Fun! Do it again in a heartbeat :bang:

Type Q

23rd March 2009, 12:17

.... Got a few grumbles on that point from friends in the race group who were accustomed to being able to treat the race group like a real open passing race group (you speedventures drivers know who you are! ;) ). Rick didn't allow the more aggressive moves at this event for good reason....we had so many beginner drivers that the C and D groups filled fast and drivers of only moderate experience were pushed up into the racer A and B groups by necessity. We had guys in "open passing" B who had not driven the track before. When Rick asked at the driver's meeting on the first morning how many were about to have their first Laguna Seca track experience it was about 3/4s of the room raising their hands....I was surprised because I had never seen the ratio of first timers that high. It reflected the fact that folks had driven to the event from all over the country, and beyond. With that high beginner ratio, Rick certainly had no choice and made the right call....even if his own instructors like Bill and I occasionally found ourselves on the wrong end of the black flags. We had a few cars in gravel traps throughout the weekend but nothing serious that I saw...a real tribute to the fine management...

I was one of those people who got bumped up to Group B. This was only my second track weekend ever and my first at Laguna Seca. I have ten years of cone dodging under my belt, so my car control skills are reasonable. I am not as familiar with the etiquette and subtleties of passing and running close to other cars. Thank you Brian and everyone else who showed patience and restraint while I got out of your way. I was driving the red NA #137. If I did something ignorant that put any of you in jeopardy or caused major gnashing of teeth, please accept my apologies.

That said, I had so much fun this weekend. Rick and his crew did an amazing job and I also hope that this can be made into an annual event. Perhaps, if we all send thank you notes to Mazda and the other sponsors, we convince them to do it again.


23rd March 2009, 12:53

Awesome weekend!...

...Thanks to all the customers who took a moment to come over and say hello! ... Gave as many rides to customers in our Cosworth 07 as there were run groups on Saturday...ran all the groups Saturday for 220 miles of track time that day...and another 89 miles Sunday before packing up early for the 8 hour tow home.

...Thanks again to everybody for a super fun weekend!Were you #200 silver NC w/ custom back braced individual roll hoops? I came by Sun afternoon while you were packing up, asking if the car was stock powered... So *you* are Brian Goodwin of Goodwin racing!! <mentally dot-connected and light bulb turned ON>

That said, I had so much fun this weekend. Rick and his crew did an amazing job and I also hope that this can be made into an annual event. Perhaps, if we all send thank you notes to Mazda and the other sponsors, we convince them to do it again.I 2nd that! Maybe someone could post up contact info for Mazda that we could all send in our "Thanks"?

Along the line of inspirations put conveyed by Tom Matano about the importance of the car club and club events to the orig Miata design philosophy... it sure would be nice to have: (1) an unified national Miata club system, and/or (2) hold Miata-centric track events like this! ;)


23rd March 2009, 13:47

I was one of those people who got bumped up to Group B. This was only my second track weekend ever and my first at Laguna Seca. I have ten years of cone dodging under my belt, so my car control skills are reasonable. I am not as familiar with the etiquette and subtleties of passing and running close to other cars. Thank you Brian and everyone else who showed patience and restraint while I got out of your way. I was driving the red NA #137. If I did something ignorant that put any of you in jeopardy or caused major gnashing of teeth, please accept my apologies.

That said, I had so much fun this weekend. Rick and his crew did an amazing job and I also hope that this can be made into an annual event. Perhaps, if we all send thank you notes to Mazda and the other sponsors, we convince them to do it again.

Good meeting you and your wife.

Kate and Colin here with the Silver NC :wave:


23rd March 2009, 13:56

Bill then responded that he thought he was on his THIRD black flag of the weekend....and I chuckled and responded "me too!" The rules were simply a little more strict than usual on the passing at this event....but with good reason.

Got a few grumbles on that point from friends in the race group who were accustomed to being able to treat the race group like a real open passing race group (you speedventures drivers know who you are! ;) ).

yes, those damn Speedventures drivers, thinking they own the whole track (that includes you, Brian) :D

Both I and Charles also got multiple warnings for "aggressive" drivings. Which I must apologize now, as I didn't realize there were many beginners in A and B group. I also know of at least 2 other SV drivers getting black flagged. We were sharing one car - Rotrex Supercharged red Miata by 949racing, it got quite a workout this weekend, 2 drivers, 2 groups and 2 days in 1 car.

We gave at least 25-30 rides, as we did both A and B group. Had a little "off" due to brake issue. also ran out of gas 100ft before getting to gas station, had to push rest of the way ($5 a gallon for 91) . glad to put faces on screen names. hope you guys had fun riding in my car.


23rd March 2009, 14:06

Got a few grumbles on that point from friends in the race group who were accustomed to being able to treat the race group like a real open passing race group (you speedventures drivers know who you are! ;) ).


The 'Goodwin Line' in C group


Brian Goodwin

23rd March 2009, 14:59


The 'Goodwin Line' in C group


Nice vid...I am far off the line. That was to consistently give a very exaggerated WIDE pass around the moderate drivers in the C group. Sadly, the one time I didn't do that...causing some well earned "gnashing of teeth" was with Keith of Flyin Miata. I had come prepared to drive and see what our new Cosworth machine would do (Rick Weldon and I have chased each other within mere inches on this track for over a decade). To that end, I had fresh G-force R1s mounted up and ready to roll, monster camber, etc. Before the driver's meeting I had mounted up new R1s DOT slicks (treadwear 40) on the car. But the driver meeting made clear it was NOT going to be that kind of event. So, those R1s went back on the truck and I mounted up my well beaten R888s instead (still fast but treadwear 100). And I put my race muffler back on the truck and left on our Roadstersport Q(uiet)....because it was clear I wouldn't need the race muffler and talking with lots of students and customers would be easier without it. My D group student let me know his brother was in B group yet didn't sign up for an instructor and had not driven the track before. So, got him an instructor and for the rest of the weekend I took students and customers on every run in every group....never did get a run by myself in the car to "see what it would do..."

Anyway, about halfway through the day of giving customers and students rides around the track I was hungry for just a little more fun with a driver I knew would be game. That's when I spotted Keith's car on track. He had been giving rides all morning too. I caught him between 6 and 7. I buzzed by on the right side near the end of the straight in a much closer manner I intended to be a playful invite that said "Come on, chase me...let's have some fun!" We were still going straight, not yet to the braking zone....so no black flag from the corner worker right there. He didn't respond....so me and my guest passenger drove on. Only after the run group did an unusually stern Keith tell me that he had picked that session to let his wife have a go at the wheel....and my little move had rattled her. I made sure to find her after the banquet to apologize directly for incorrectly assuming it was still Keith at the wheel.

When some of my Speedventures friends showed up for just the second day with very well prepared machines (949 Racing prepared Miata challenge winning car, etc.), I let several know what I had already learned on Saturday about the need for extra wide and decisive passes because the beginners and moderate drivers were not just in the D group...but every group.


23rd March 2009, 15:17


Brian Goodwin

23rd March 2009, 15:35

yes, those damn Speedventures drivers, thinking they own the whole track (that includes you, Brian) :D

Both I and Charles also got multiple warnings for "aggressive" drivings. Which I must apologize now, as I didn't realize there were many beginners in A and B group. I also know of at least 2 other SV drivers getting black flagged. We were sharing one car - Rotrex Supercharged red Miata by 949racing, it got quite a workout this weekend, 2 drivers, 2 groups and 2 days in 1 car.

We gave at least 25-30 rides, as we did both A and B group. Had a little "off" due to brake issue. also ran out of gas 100ft before getting to gas station, had to push rest of the way ($5 a gallon for 91) . glad to put faces on screen names. hope you guys had fun riding in my car.

Things usually thin out a bit on Sunday afternoon. That's when Charles and I lined up in B group. I let him lead off the session and I followed. We warmed tires for half a lap before putting down pedals. I was curious to see the Kraftwerks supercharger kit in action....super quick car! As the first two cars out in that open passing group we had clear track ahead. We had about half a lap of fun before we caught the group....we passed on a straight in this open passing group and I thought we had given the group a pretty wide pass...particularly for B group...but we both got flagged.

Again, that is not a complaint. It was just the special nature of this track day that we had so many drivers new to the track and the rules had to be a little tighter than normal. It was a fantastic weekend and big thanks to all involved. Hope everyone had as much fun as we did.


23rd March 2009, 17:06

also ran out of gas 100ft before getting to gas station, had to push rest of the way ($5 a gallon for 91) . glad to put faces on screen names. hope you guys had fun riding in my car.
You're not the only one running out of gas. During the photoshoot at lunch, I immediately stood my car in line to get in through the hotpits. Then, I ran out of gas with everyone watching. Quite embarassing to have push a "heavy" turbo Miata to do a billion-point turn to get back to the paddock and to the gas station while everyone's watching. >.<

And yes, great to meet a lot of you on this forum. Hope to have a gather like this in the near future. :)


23rd March 2009, 19:59

Rain was not an issue. Unless you were tent-camping in the camprground. Thanks for not coming, it left more space for the rest of us. A bang-up weekend! A fabulous weekend!!! Kudos to all involved in making it happen!


23rd March 2009, 20:04

Rain was not an issue. Unless you were tent-camping in the camprground. Thanks for not coming, it left more space for the rest of us. A bang-up weekend! A fabulous weekend!!! Kudos to all involved in making it happen!

There were no-shows? (they went through 480 waivers on Saturday alone, I heard they were estimating between 500-600 by Sunday)

Very cool weekend! +1 on kudos to all and to Rick Weldon for organizing everything and making it happen.


23rd March 2009, 20:55

what impressed me aside from the organization was the diversity in age
It is nice to all ages enjoying the Miata
Which probably proves the timelessness of the car and that it continues to inspire


23rd March 2009, 21:23

There were no-shows? (they went through 480 waivers on Saturday alone, I heard they were estimating between 500-600 by Sunday)

Very cool weekend! +1 on kudos to all and to Rick Weldon for organizing everything and making it happen.I'm assuming there were no-shows on Sunday due to weather. It wasn't nearly as crowded that day.


23rd March 2009, 22:40

Brian Goodwin, u were with at the Cosworth vender?! I should've drop by the say hello. i had some questions to ask about my car, but when i got there 10:30 on sunday, peaple seemed to be very busy. And i couldn't find a flyin' miata guy to ask, and Rick was busy running around.

Ian McCloghrie

23rd March 2009, 22:45

I'm assuming there were no-shows on Sunday due to weather. It wasn't nearly as crowded that day.

I was a no-show on Sunday, but that's 'cause my car left the paddock on a tow truck on Saturday. :-(


Brian Goodwin

23rd March 2009, 22:55

Brian Goodwin, u were with at the Cosworth vender?! I should've drop by the say hello. i had some questions to ask about my car, but when i got there 10:30 on sunday, peaple seemed to be very busy. And i couldn't find a flyin' miata guy to ask, and Rick was busy running around.

Yes, my car was essentially part of the Cosworth display. My truck and trailer were parked next to them. Cosworth provided two techs who were there to answer questions and my car would roll up between run groups to their table so they could point out details of the install while I checked air and sipped some fluids and then strapped in another passenger for the next ride. Sorry we missed you....


24th March 2009, 00:10

heh - if Woolery was in my run group, I don't think I'd see much more than a yellow/green blur as he sped by me ;)He was taking it easy 1st sesh of 1st day on a damp track... a wise man! That was how I managed to get a glimpse. After that, he ran out of my visual sight range rest of the wkend. :)


24th March 2009, 00:15

A few laps from my in-car camera:



24th March 2009, 00:15

Bravo! Terrific event!!!


24th March 2009, 01:12

Pics here:



24th March 2009, 01:49

Pics here:

Thanks, I found a photo of me driving that you took. Lot's of nice shots.


Brian Goodwin

24th March 2009, 10:24

Pics here:


Yes, great shots...thanks for posting!

Brian Goodwin

24th March 2009, 10:56

More fun video! Love that sound!



24th March 2009, 11:53

Here are some shots I took on Saturday. Some Group A and D on the track and a few from around the event and the BAMA run.




24th March 2009, 12:49

Pics here:

http://picasaweb.google.com/E36TII/MazdaMiata20thAnniversaryCelebration#Woot! You got a few pics of me (#24). Thanks for sharing!


24th March 2009, 12:58

Here are some shots I took on Saturday. Some Group A and D on the track and a few from around the event and the BAMA run.


Hi Rick! I'm the guy who took this pic (http://api.photoshop.com/home_883273e0533e4ac7bd62a87894a7a189/adobe-px-assets/2cba177e5ebc47ffad17c975107341c0) for you (my car is in the background). Nice to meet you, briefly. :wave:


24th March 2009, 13:11

Here are some shots I took on Saturday. Some Group A and D on the track and a few from around the event and the BAMA run.



Great pics...

I think we spoke briefly about my exhaust...


24th March 2009, 13:16

Hi Rick! I'm the guy who took this pic (http://api.photoshop.com/home_883273e0533e4ac7bd62a87894a7a189/adobe-px-assets/2cba177e5ebc47ffad17c975107341c0) for you (my car is in the background). Nice to meet you, briefly. :wave:

Thanks Dean. I'm really happy with it. Much appreciated.


24th March 2009, 13:42

The 'Goodwin Line' in C group
Hah - Brian pulled that same pass on me in D group - spooked me for a second (my first track day), because I didn't even see him coming, but I got over it - great to see that amazing car & driver running the track!

what impressed me aside from the organization was the diversity in age It is nice to all ages enjoying the Miata Which probably proves the timelessness of the car and that it continues to inspire
Agreed - I was really amazed by the diversity of backgrounds and cultures there, all united by the same passion for the Miata.

Here are some shots I took on Saturday. Some Group A and D
Thanks Rick! I found one of me (#101) coming down the cork-screw!

Overall - it was an amazing experience. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work to make it happen so smoothly.

And it's official - I'm addicted to track time.


24th March 2009, 14:01

Agreed - I was really amazed by the diversity of backgrounds and cultures there, all united by the same passion for the Miata.

This was one of the highlights for me as well. It's really cool to see those barriers coming down. I especially liked seeing the mixing of ages and "approaches" to the Miata lifestyle. Mixing it up is good. :)


24th March 2009, 14:41

Hi Rick! I'm the guy who took this pic (http://api.photoshop.com/home_883273e0533e4ac7bd62a87894a7a189/adobe-px-assets/2cba177e5ebc47ffad17c975107341c0) for you (my car is in the background). Nice to meet you, briefly. :wave:

Part of mine is in it too! thanks man, i've downloaded the high resolution copy.


24th March 2009, 15:02

That was fun !!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all who helped put this together !!!!!!
Thanks to FM for helping to fix my car. We'll see in a few days if it works !!!
Thanks to my instructor. Barry Hartzel. He was amazing !!!!!!
This was my first HPDE. I had a blast. I did not run my final session on Sunday, there was too much traffic in "D". I got bored following so much.
I am hooked tho.
See ya'll around the track !!!


24th March 2009, 18:58

This is a video of Charles Ng driving the 949racing Kraftwerks supercharged Miata (my car) for one lap. This is the only clean lap of all weekend that we could find (bought a video camera Sunday) on video. from video, it seems to be a lap of 1:40 to 1:41



24th March 2009, 19:42

Charles was amazing, thought we would roll several times. But, no. Just pure skill, drift, grip n'go, not to mention the Rotex !, god I want one of those.
Was that 1:40 lap with the Houshers (sp)?
Thank you Bellwilliams for the ride !


24th March 2009, 19:59

that was 225/45-15 NT01 on 15x9. Charles was much faster than I was. it was my first time at LS. so hopefully you got a ride with Charles driving. I was driving like a grandma.


24th March 2009, 20:20

Hi all,
I was taking pictures at the event. I have pictures of majority of cars/people. There are too many to process and post all of them (got several thousand files). I'm finishing the sorting and tagging of the pictures, which should help me find people quicker.

If you are interested in seeing if I have a picture of you - please PM me the following information: car number, color, group you where in and license plate and e-mail address.

If I got something for you - i will send it over.

Note: I will be going for a two week vacation starting with this weekend, so i may get back to you after i get back.


24th March 2009, 23:21

Well, my car is back to street trim (no more wing, splitter, numbers, race wheels/tire and long undertray) and I'm depressed. I had so much fun I didn't want to come home.

The BBQ Friday night @ the track was a little thin on people, but full of fun. The food was great too.

Saturday track event was fantastic. My Miata was working great and ran lap after lap with no complaints. Water temps were under 195 degrees (measured at the head) and oil temps touched the low 270 mark occasionally but hovered in the high 260 range. I was hitting 115 mph after turn one into the 1st brake marker. On the last session, I was @ the back of the pack, drove through the field and up to William in the Kraftwerks Miata. We played follow the leader for a bit when he gave me the point by. I ran in front for a bit then returned the favor. The only black mark of the day was I also got black flagged for passing when the checker was flying, but I took my lumps and went on with the rest of the day.

The banquet was fantastic, the food and company made the experience a memorable one. I picked up a copy of Keith's new book, which I found had a pic of my Miata in it and on the back cover (reason enough for me to buy it).

Sunday I took photos and walked the paddock talking to some of the vendors and tried bumming rides. Bill took me for a ride in the Westy. I really covet that car now more than ever. I will have one someday. Tom Matano also was gracious enough to sign my Miata while it was on my trailer. My thanks to him and to the entire team of people who put this event together and made it one of the best track events I have attended.

I hope this is a prelude to future annual Mazda only track events.


24th March 2009, 23:31

Thanks to everyone for one hell of a weekend! That was a once in a lifetime experience and it was worth every penny, and definitely worth the 4200 mile drive... I just got back home to Dallas and I've got a few nice pix I'll post tomorrow.

The drive up the PCH was a real treat for a flatlander like me. A fantastic road and such great scenery!

Thanks again guys! :)

JasonC SBB

24th March 2009, 23:56

Water temps were under 195 degrees (measured at the head) Where is the probe mounted?

and oil temps touched the low 270 mark occasionally but hovered in the high 260 range.No oil cooler?


25th March 2009, 00:08

Hi all,
I was taking pictures at the event. I have pictures of majority of cars/people. There are too many to process and post all of them (got several thousand files). I'm finishing the sorting and tagging of the pictures, which should help me find people quicker.

If you are interested in seeing if I have a picture of you - please PM me the following information: car number, color, group you where in and license plate and e-mail address.

If I got something for you - i will send it over.

Note: I will be going for a two week vacation starting with this weekend, so i may get back to you after i get back.

Thanks for your offer.
PM sent :wave:


25th March 2009, 00:17

Hi all,
I was taking pictures at the event. I have pictures of majority of cars/people. There are too many to process and post all of them (got several thousand files). I'm finishing the sorting and tagging of the pictures, which should help me find people quicker.

If you are interested in seeing if I have a picture of you - please PM me the following information: car number, color, group you where in and license plate and e-mail address.

If I got something for you - i will send it over.

Note: I will be going for a two week vacation starting with this weekend, so i may get back to you after i get back.

Nice photo Yuri. Do I get dibs?



25th March 2009, 00:23

Where is the probe mounted?

No oil cooler?



25th March 2009, 01:33

Nice photo Yuri. Do I get dibs?


Of course you do. It will be easier for me to unload them onto a CD than e-mail though.


25th March 2009, 02:16

I have been really enjoying everyone's recap of the event. Sad to say we didn't make it...my husband wrenched his back somehow while putting air in our trailer's tires Friday morn...it was a BIG disappointment. :( We had a room booked, tickets purchased for the parade lap, shirt and ball cap ordered, helmet borrowed, a place reserved in the BAMA run, and our Miata all shined up and ready to go. Instead, we spent all weekend sitting on the couch watching movies and waiting for his pain to lessen.

It's odd because we are in shape people for our age. We mountain bike, hike and swim...but moving a large air compressor was his downfall. Fortunately he was able to go to work today and is feeling better.

I can't thank everyone enough for posting pictures and videos of the event. Absolutely awesome stuff! :D


25th March 2009, 11:45

Here's some video:



25th March 2009, 12:14

Here are some pix of Friday's drive up the PCH, along with some at the track on Saturday.



25th March 2009, 12:37

I was one of those people who got bumped up to Group B. This was only my second track weekend ever and my first at Laguna Seca. I have ten years of cone dodging under my belt, so my car control skills are reasonable. I am not as familiar with the etiquette and subtleties of passing and running close to other cars. Thank you Brian and everyone else who showed patience and restraint while I got out of your way. I was driving the red NA #137. If I did something ignorant that put any of you in jeopardy or caused major gnashing of teeth, please accept my apologies.

That said, I had so much fun this weekend. Rick and his crew did an amazing job and I also hope that this can be made into an annual event. Perhaps, if we all send thank you notes to Mazda and the other sponsors, we convince them to do it again.

I was in the exact same boat! My only previous track day was on a (flat as a pancake) track SE of Houston. This was worlds away and I'm sure I wasn't as good as I could have been with getting out of peoples way when necessary. I too, appreciate others patience!

Thanks to Brian G for excellent instruction with my little brother (in an unfamiliar car). On his third session (after your good input) he knocked (consistantly) more than 10 seconds a lap off his second session with you. Thanks again for that expertise!

Chris D'Agnolo


25th March 2009, 12:39

Here are some pix of Friday's drive up the PCH, along with some at the track on Saturday.


Those are some great pics! They really capture the tone of the caravan up to the event. :)


25th March 2009, 12:52

Here's some video:


Great video, Sonny! Makes me wish I'd signed up for Group A. Next time, I'm going to take the Pitcrew out with some good track rubber and I'll see if I can keep up with you. :)


25th March 2009, 13:09

Pics here:




25th March 2009, 13:42

^^^ cool pics, thanks Rick!


25th March 2009, 14:09

It certainly helps to have a photogenic bunch of cars... and, you know, the background scenery wasn't bad either... :D

Ford Prefect

25th March 2009, 14:38

It's awfully nice of folks to share their photos. I've seen a lot of great shots.

Unfortunately, most of the ones I took aren't so hot. :O I'll take another look tonight and, if any seem remotely decent, try to list the numbers of the cars involved.


25th March 2009, 15:14

It was a really fun event - thanks to everyone who came out. It's always a treat to put faces to names and talk in person. Mazda is very aware of how well the event turned out. :D

It was also a chance for my wife Janel to put in some seat time on the left side of the car. She didn't just go out in one session like Brian said, but ran C group all weekend and got comfortable with Laguna's big elevation changes. She's more used to running a high speed through the woods and villages of Newfoundland with her head down!

My car spent around 6 hours pounding around the track - and then, with its space in the trailer taken up by another car, I got to drive it 17 hours home. Other than swapping over to a set of road wheels in Reno, I didn't change a thing from how it had been on the track. Now that's a dual-purpose car.


25th March 2009, 16:42

Just got the email from Rick that mentioned the possibility of a consistent event - very exciting. Consider me signed up.



25th March 2009, 16:46

+1 here too!


25th March 2009, 16:59

Yearly Laguna Seca Miata meet. I like that idea. :)

[EDIT] By meet, I mean meet/trackday.


25th March 2009, 18:11

My car spent around 6 hours pounding around the track - and then, with its space in the trailer taken up by another car, I got to drive it 17 hours home. Other than swapping over to a set of road wheels in Reno, I didn't change a thing from how it had been on the track. Now that's a dual-purpose car.

Thanks again Keith for helping us out. Really above and beyond.

Tonight at 6pm we're going to include about 10minutes of footage from the weekend. We have a ton more and will be assembling more featurettes in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

For the live show tonight, go to http://www.drivingsports.tv at 6pm PST. The show lasts about 30 minutes in total. The Miata feature will be running mid-show.

Ford Prefect

25th March 2009, 21:04

Here (http://picasaweb.google.com/dasperger/MRLS?feat=directlink) are some shots the boss got. In the unlikely event it's wanted, permission for private use is granted. Other rights reserved. ;)
What would a world without lawyers be like?


25th March 2009, 21:34

Nice pics and videos, all !


25th March 2009, 23:15


That article wasn't that great. They made it sound like the car was running fast times because of their supercharger, when in fact it was running fast times due to the suspension/wheel/tire setup. If some of those turbo cars had really pushed it they would have been just as fast.

Seemed like it had a great driver too.


25th March 2009, 23:32

That article wasn't that great. They made it sound like the car was running fast times because of their supercharger, when in fact it was running fast times due to the suspension/wheel/tire setup. If some of those turbo cars had really pushed it they would have been just as fast.

Seemed like it had a great driver too.
You are right. The car had a good driver and great balanced setup.


26th March 2009, 00:00

Yep... I rode with Charles for a session and he's pretty damn good. He turned a 1:43 with me riding shotgun - wheeee! :D


26th March 2009, 00:51

They made it sound like the car was running fast times because of their supercharger, when in fact it was running fast times due to the suspension/wheel/tire setup. If some of those turbo cars had really pushed it they would have been just as fast.

Seemed like it had a great driver too.
LOL, it was for sure Charles Ng's driving. That wouldn't explain why the cars non-pro driver owner was also faster than everyone else though.

$1000 Tein SS and FM front sway bar. Pretty sure we weren't the only ones there with coilovers and a front sway bar.

Make no mistake, Laguna Seca is a power track. Grip alone won't allow you to beat other cars if you are way down on power. Yes, we had 15x9 6UL's and 225/45/15 NT01's just like other 2 fastest cars of the weekend. Only they had a current gen FMII, built FM motor in one case, and a DIY GT2554R/Megasquirt/stock motor set up in the other. All three had the APR GTC200 wings. The DIY set up was a little faster than the FM motored car.

I drove the Rotrex SC car once and literally dozens of people got rides in it. The power delivery is outstanding, it ran all weekend without issue, and was consistently the fastest car there no matter who drove it. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

So you're saying the other drivers simply weren't driving hard? I'd be careful with such comments as I know most of the guys and am pretty sure that at least one point they tried to put the smack down on the 949Racing Kraftwerks car.

Were you there by the way? I stopped and said hi to most of the FM crew but maybe I didn't meet you.


26th March 2009, 01:48

So you're saying the other drivers simply weren't driving hard? I'd be careful with such comments as I know most of the guys and am pretty sure that at least one point they tried to put the smack down on the 949Racing Kraftwerks car.

Were you there by the way? I stopped and said hi to most of the FM crew but maybe I didn't meet you.

Might also have to do with the fact that both of the turbo cars (that I know of) are full interior street cars.

Yes, I was there. I didn't hang around the trailer all weekend because I was not working. I really wanted to get my car done in time, but although it ran, it needed tuning still and would not be finished in time.


26th March 2009, 01:58

Might also have to do with the fact that both of the turbo cars (that I know of) are full interior street cars.

Yes, I was there. I didn't hang around the trailer all weekend because I was not working. I really wanted to get my car done in time, but although it ran, it needed tuning still and would not be finished in time.
Nope. There were two other fully stripped and caged turbo cars there that were even slower than the two fastest turbo cars. I believe one of those had a may have had a 3071R.

Regardless, we're very proud of the way the 2190lb Rotrex supercharged car performed and the power it supplied was most definitely one of the ingredients in the go fast recipe :)


26th March 2009, 01:59

I agree - Laguna is made for cars with power. Even if you are able to hit every apex perfectly and squeeze out everything possible from your setup you will see a huge drop in lap times with more power. I have driven Laguna several times a year since '97 and up until 2 years ago it was always in a stock 1.6L miata. The move to turbo helped me drop my lap times by over 12 seconds and that was only running 8psi @ ~180rwhp.

Another example - I was riding shotgun in the Westfield with Bill @ the helm. While he was a bit rusty on the track and didn't hit most of the turns well we were easily able to keep up with one of the fastest drivers around - Barry Hartzel. Yes, he was in a low powered SM, but once we hit turn-6 we were able to blast by him up to the corkscrew. By the time we hit the straight we were ahead of him by a good 4-5 seconds and soon after we didn't even see him anymore.

I too, was very impressed with the power of the Rotrex car and had a blast riding as a passenger with Charles flogging the living crap out of that car - definitely like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I loved it. While I was only in the car for 2 laps the Rotrex car had good low and midrange power, but it also seemed to have good power up to redline. While it also handled very well, it did NOT have the grip of the Westfield or Goodwin's NC, so the fact that they were able to click off low 1:4x's was pretty good IMO.

I was helping with instruction so that helped take my mind off my depression of missing the event in my car :( I was looking forward to beating my previous fastest time of 1:48x when I was @ 2625lbs w/185rwhp. Once my car is done I will be <2300lbs w>275rwhp :D I should be able to shave off another 5-10 seconds quite easily, especially when I strap on the 275 Hoosier slicks hehe.

I haven't gone through my pics yet, but I will post them up when I do - hopefully this weekend.


26th March 2009, 02:20

Nope. There were two other fully stripped and caged turbo cars there that were even slower than the two fastest turbo cars. I believe one of those had a may have had a 3071R.

Regardless, we're very proud of the way the 2190lb Rotrex supercharged car performed and the power it supplied was most definitely one of the ingredients in the go fast recipe :)

I just think several other factors contributed to it being so fast, other than the supercharger. Yes the S/C helped, but making only 180hp it had to have some help from everything else. As Vaga stated above, it was very balanced and had a great driver. The article that you linked to didn't state this obvious fact.


26th March 2009, 03:15

Hey, R1600turbo ! Are those grapes just a bit to high to reach now ? which of course you didn't want anyway ? Show up next year and show us you are better. Everyone would like to see the fast car, DIY or sponsored.

The brakes were awesome, the power came on demand whenever, the tires did there job, there seemed to be a severe shake in the steering on very hard braking, and the driver had no fear what so ever of Laguna or the car.

Charles' lines were consistent and clean using all of the track all of the time. Having never driven Laguna, but having the rides I did I think that Mr Charles knew exactly what he was doing all the time with the equiptment he was given to achieve what he did. A very fast lap time. Give it up Dude !


26th March 2009, 03:37

The article that you linked to didn't state this obvious fact.
Obvious fact, hmmm. So if the car is handling like poo we say nothing. But if it's handling well we have to post a disclaimer? "The 949Racing Kraftwerks car set top time of the weekend mainly because it was handling well and had a great driver". Yeah, I guess that is kind of obvious, and why we made no mention of it.

Seriously Mr FM employee. You make it sound like our pride in announcing the car went fast and had a Rotrex is some sort of subterfuge. It went fast, it handled OK. Get over it.

Behind the scenes, I pleaded with the owner to let me put the revalved Tein Flex's I just removed from the OGK onto his car for this event. He knows I don't think the SS on it are enough damper for that car and keep it from being lowered to the ride height I want or getting the camber it needs. He didn't want to mess with it and the corner weights were off as well. So it pushed in the lefts and was pretty neutral in the rights. Watch the video and the nasty kickback and oscillation through the steering in T9. Then watch Sonny's and Savington's video in the same turn. We definitely did not have the sweetest handling car there.

That it weighed 150-200 lbs less than Savingtons car with the same wheels and tires was in our favor. What was in Savingtons favor was Koni race's, 1/2" less ride height, way more front downforce and about .5° more camber. Sonny's car had way more power than either of us, had visibly better balance than ours but simply weighs to much. He knows this and is OK with it since his car is a comfy daily driver too.

We haven't mentioned it but at the very end of the day on Sunday, we put a set of A6's on the car and pulled the inlet restrictor that with that exhaust should be worth about 210whp. From a standing start under the start finish tower in pit lane, Charles did a 1:40.5. Then the datalogger cut out part way through his first lap and we ran out of gas again so the car started cutting out in the lefts. So we packed it up and never got that 1:38 we know the car is capable of but educated guesses and extrapolation do not a lap time make. The 1:41 we posted was taken from the in car video earlier in the day with a passenger, which we had on pretty much every lap. Oh yeah, I'm not sure the other cars always had passengers like we did.


26th March 2009, 11:01

Hey, R1600turbo ! Are those grapes just a bit to high to reach now ? which of course you didn't want anyway ? Show up next year and show us you are better. Everyone would like to see the fast car, DIY or sponsored.

No, what's your problem? I'm simply stating that the car was well balanced overall and had a great driver. Of course the S/C helped, but it wasn't the main reason that the car was so fast. I'm not dissing on anyone. :wave:

Seriously Mr FM employee. You make it sound like our pride in announcing the car went fast and had a Rotrex is some sort of subterfuge. It went fast, it handled OK. Get over it.

Read above. I will not explain myself any further. And my opinions on this, or any other forum, have nothing to do with FM. I am here on my own accord, so keep them out of it.

Type Q

26th March 2009, 11:19

This is a video of Charles Ng driving the 949racing Kraftwerks supercharged Miata (my car) for one lap. This is the only clean lap of all weekend that we could find (bought a video camera Sunday) on video. from video, it seems to be a lap of 1:40 to 1:41


Well that brings a whole new perspective. I was driving bone stock (except for a cat back exhaust) 1.6 on street tires. I almost got it under 2 minutes. :) I was averaging about 2:02 when I had a clear track.

Again thanks for everyone's patience while I got out of the way.


26th March 2009, 11:36

I agree with R1600Turbo it's the "complete package" that makes the car fast not just the S/C or tires or shocks or driver... But that article was on kraftwerks site, I for one don’t blame them for talking about their S/C, that’s just good marketing.

But I have to call you on… “If some of those turbo cars had really pushed it they would have been just as fast.”… That’s just childish…

I did not make this weekend, but it sounds like every event I have been to over the years... 949 consistently has the package to set the FTD. Really frustrating to compete with, but you have to give props were they are due... “The Stopwatch Never Lies"



26th March 2009, 11:41

I found a web gallery of the Miatapalooza event:
and there's also a video here:
I was at the event and it was great, lots of friendly people having a good time!


26th March 2009, 12:00

So then your point is; "when in fact it was running fast times due to the suspension/wheel/tire setup." Not true.
The tires were heavily used NT-1s and the suspension had a serious issue with hard braking. I have to agree with emilio700 " We definitely did not have the sweetest handling car there. "
This car was fast, despite it's shortcomings. You don't want to give it up for their supercharger. I understand that. But would you be saying all this if the car was equipped with a conventional turbo or supercharger ?


26th March 2009, 12:29

But I have to call you on… “If some of those turbo cars had really pushed it they would have been just as fast.”… That’s just childish…

There were a few turbo cars that probably had time left in them I'm sure.

But would you be saying all this if the car was equipped with a conventional turbo or supercharger ?

edit: got the question now. I wouldn't have brought it up if the article was not so one sided. I'm not dissing the car, I would love to own something very similar. I just don't like the way the article was written. :O


26th March 2009, 12:45

take it easy guys. it is my car, so I will chime in.

it has the exact same wheels, tires as Savington and VegaXT. It had inferior suspension compare to Savington and VegaXT. mine has Tein SS, revalved but still not so hot. We all had the exact same wing.

Good driver, yes. but Savington and VegaXT are no track noobie. They both are instructors, and both can and have kick serious butts. Many on tracks were SM racers, and are their home track.

most who saw my Miata agrees it is a little "ghetto". bumper is zip-tied on (the V at front of the car are zip ties), stock engine/5speed-trans/diff. no engine oil cooler, no front splitter. it has $6 Home Depot side skirt (installed 1 year ago), $8 front spoiler (both garden dividers). It is no beauty queen, my goal is to have a budget track car. I will not spend a ton of money on it, as it creeps into S2K territory. I can build (and have) a $15k s2k on street tires that will outrun my FI Miata on race tires at Buttonwillow.

I have a full roll cage with NASCAR door bars just installed last month. this was on my wife's insistence. I didn't want it, as it added more weight and up top. even with stripped interior, my car weighed ~30LB more than pre-roll cage.

best indicator if supercharger helps a bunch is to look at SM time. SM track record is 1:45s. and That's with best driver in the country in the best setup, on pro motor, driving on shaved tires and bump drafting all the way, on a perfect day. I do have wider wheels and tires, but that does not explain the difference of 4-5 sec per lap. As many said, Laguna Seca favors high-hp cars, it is basically a bunch of drag strips connected by 90 degree corners.

I wouldn't have brought it up if the article was not so one sided.

it is on their web site, of course they are not going to talk about how it really was my $6 Home Depot side skirt that sucked the car down on track :D


26th March 2009, 12:59

Ok seriously guys, do we really want to wrap up the thread about the greatest weekend ever with a raging SC/turbo debate? :bang: Maybe this little love-fest could move to the Power Mods forum? Just a thought ...

Thanks everyone for posting pics and video - I was unfortunately without my camera that weekend, or I'd be sharing more myself. I was packing up the car on Thursday night, and when I grabbed the camera bag my wife said "You're not taking the good camera, are you? I need it this weekend!" .. oh well :rolleyes:

I had a great time, met awesome people, and learned a lot. I hope we can do it again and again!


26th March 2009, 13:22


Let's not end this thread for this fabulous event on arguments amongst the elite segment of the Miata community. (Remember, our big sponsor Mazda might just be reading this...)

Okay, who's got more photos? Post them up!! :wave:


26th March 2009, 13:46

Nope. There were two other fully stripped and caged turbo cars there that were even slower than the two fastest turbo cars. I believe one of those had a may have had a 3071R.

Regardless, we're very proud of the way the 2190lb Rotrex supercharged car performed and the power it supplied was most definitely one of the ingredients in the go fast recipe :)

Dang I wish my car was running for the event. I’m pretty sure I would be easily playing with the fastest cars there. As it was I was running in the A group with a stock powered 1.6L street driver fairly stock with just a few select mods, even had the stock shocks on it. I would be surprised if it made more than 100 rwhp. I had fun chasing after some of the Spec Miatas though and I swapped spots a few times with Rick W. It seamed I was faster without a passenger when he had one but I was giving rides most of the time as well.

My first time on that track. I have had perma grin going on for days now. Got to go back when I get my car back together.



26th March 2009, 15:08


Let's not end this thread for this fabulous event on arguments amongst the elite segment of the Miata community. (Remember, our big sponsor Mazda might just be reading this...)

Okay, who's got more photos? Post them up!! :wave:

2nd that... :wave:


26th March 2009, 15:19

Ok seriously guys, do we really want to wrap up the thread about the greatest weekend ever with a raging SC/turbo debate?

That's not what this is at all.

And I agree, more photos!


26th March 2009, 15:41

I found a web gallery of the Miatapalooza event:
and there's also a video here:
I was at the event and it was great, lots of friendly people having a good time!

Thank You!


26th March 2009, 16:28

Here are some more pics - from the drive up the 1 and Sat and Sunday at the track.
I only had the point and squirt camera with me - so nothing too exciting I'm afraid!
It was a great weekend and looking forward to the next one :)


26th March 2009, 16:59

Awesome pictures... I keep sending choice ones to the wife... "see we should have gone"

She regrets not going... (real or from my hounding ???)... either way next time we are in for sure....



26th March 2009, 17:06

Here are some more pics - from the drive up the 1 and Sat and Sunday at the track.
I only had the point and squirt camera with me - so nothing too exciting I'm afraid!
It was a great weekend and looking forward to the next one :)
Nice photos, I especially like the one of me in the corkscrew - of course. Thanks.



26th March 2009, 17:47

Hey guys,
Some of you have asked it it was OK to post pictures I sent you on this forum or elsewhere.

Yes, feel free to post. I just ask you to let me know if you want to use them for commercial purposes.


26th March 2009, 19:08

Here's a "hot" lap in our limping Miata.

(The car wasn't fast, but it sure was hot. Radiator burst shortly after...)


26th March 2009, 20:56

Hey guys,
Some of you have asked it it was OK to post pictures I sent you on this forum or elsewhere.

Yes, feel free to post. I just ask you to let me know if you want to use them for commercial purposes.
Great photos BTW! The couple that you took of my car are the best I've seen from any track day. Thanks again. I'm using one as an avatar on another site but no money changing hands. :D



26th March 2009, 21:10

any one know any info on the group photo by any chance? i just remembered that we even took one! :-)

(lol, we were having too much fun talking and sitting on our cars during the line up.)


26th March 2009, 22:01

Had a great time. Only ran Saturday, but had a heck of a good time. I met a bunch of nice folks, Ron, Andrew, Vincent, Simon, and several more.Thanks to my great 'instrutor' John and to everybody who worked to make this happen.
Hopefully, I didn't slow too many people up.
If it happens again, I will sign up in a heartbeat. Both days!

1996 Green #43. Stock.


26th March 2009, 22:46

Here are some more pics - from the drive up the 1 and Sat and Sunday at the track.
I only had the point and squirt camera with me - so nothing too exciting I'm afraid!
It was a great weekend and looking forward to the next one :)

Cool, one or two of them had us in the Group photo...


26th March 2009, 22:47

Hey guys,
Some of you have asked it it was OK to post pictures I sent you on this forum or elsewhere.

Yes, feel free to post. I just ask you to let me know if you want to use them for commercial purposes.

We should have you as the official photographer at the next event, your quality of work is outstanding... :wave:


26th March 2009, 22:49

any one know any info on the group photo by any chance? i just remembered that we even took one! :-)

(lol, we were having too much fun talking and sitting on our cars during the line up.)

I saw one snippet of it on the original website of the photographer...

Not sure if this direct link will work...
Try this... (http://www.shsstudios.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?evgroupid=0&userid=shsstudios&gallery_id=1472096&image_id=0)


27th March 2009, 00:23

I saw one snippet of it on the original website of the photographer...

Not sure if this direct link will work...
Try this... (http://www.shsstudios.printroom.com/ViewGalleryPhoto.asp?evgroupid=0&userid=shsstudios&gallery_id=1472096&image_id=0)

The link worked. Looks good. Also looks like there was space for more Miatas in the back. A few more of us would have volunteered to fill it in ;)


27th March 2009, 02:27

We should have you as the official photographer at the next event, your quality of work is outstanding... :wave:

I don't mind doing that, as long as somebody notifies me that there is an event. :D


27th March 2009, 11:14

Finally got my video up on YouTube... nothing spectacular, but it sure was tons of fun!



27th March 2009, 13:11

Here are some shots I took on Saturday. Some Group A and D on the track and a few from around the event and the BAMA run.


Rick, I forgot to say thanks for the awesome photos and for sharing them! BTW, I also forgot to tell you that I used two photos of yours in the beginning of my track footage, so I'm just letting you know and I'm sorry for not asking you first.


27th March 2009, 13:18

Everyone who took photos at the event - email me with the address of your gallery and I'll add it to the official website. It's always fun seeing the event through someone else's eyes.


27th March 2009, 13:20

Everyone who took photos at the event - email me with the address of your gallery and I'll add it to the official website. It's always fun seeing the event through someone else's eyes.
Can you compile links of the videos as well?


27th March 2009, 13:27

Sure. Again, please email me with those so I don't have to spend days scraping all the forums on teh internets :)


27th March 2009, 14:34

Sure. Again, please email me with those so I don't have to spend days scraping all the forums on teh internets :)Great idea Keith! I was just starting to think of the same ("won't it be nice to have all the pic/vid links at one place?")

I'll email you link to my video, when I finish making it. thx!


27th March 2009, 18:00

Rick, I forgot to say thanks for the awesome photos and for sharing them! BTW, I also forgot to tell you that I used two photos of yours in the beginning of my track footage, so I'm just letting you know and I'm sorry for not asking you first.

No problem. Glad you could make use of them. Just let me know if you start selling DVDs. ;)


27th March 2009, 18:07

Jeff just posted some snapshots and a recap of the weekend:


27th March 2009, 23:58

I finally used up the last 3 frames on the roll today so now I have to have both rolls developed.


29th March 2009, 04:00

Unfortunately I didn't get any shots of the run groups on track since I was out instructing 1/2 the time, but here are some from the Saturday group photo line up and subsequent slow drive back around to the paddock as well as some from the paddock both days and the Sunday Parade line up. I tried to take at least one photo of every car as it came down the straight, but several times the cars were very close together and difficult to get decent shots of.

I edited the pics into 3 groups - high res(huge), large(1600x1200) and a slideshow in 800x600 format. I suggest viewing the slideshow as the pages will load much more quickly. If your desktop resolution is big then go for the large. If you want to really zoom in or download a pic then go to the high res page.

SlideShow (http://home.comcast.net/~historics/MiatasAtMRLS2009/SlideShow/)

1600x1200 (http://home.comcast.net/~historics/MiatasAtMRLS2009/Large/)

HIGH res (http://home.comcast.net/~historics/MiatasAtMRLS2009/HiRes/)

enjoy :)

Mark Booth

29th March 2009, 09:26

Thanks Mike!! You captured a nice picture of me and Cathy during the parade laps. Photo Number 88! (http://home.comcast.net/~historics/MiatasAtMRLS2009/Large/pages/Parade_Laps_03-22-09_0088.htm)

And, yes, it was cold that day! :)



29th March 2009, 10:03

Thanks for the great pics. I found a few of me on the parade laps. :)

Mark Booth

29th March 2009, 11:16

I've posted 119 photos from Miatas@MRLS to my SmugMug site here:


I've included photos from the paddock, group photo, parade laps, banquet and, of course, Miatas on the track. Most of the track photos are Group B because I had several close friends in that group. Concentrating on Group B also helped me capture a minor off-track excursion by Dave Woolery (http://www.thephotobooth.net/gallery/7749274_DCvMP#501076207_g7MzZ) (two photos) and a bit more significant off-track event by Car #144 (http://www.thephotobooth.net/gallery/7749274_DCvMP#501076594_TuGeE) (sequence of 9 photos), which is the car that had its passenger airbag pop.




29th March 2009, 11:49

Thanks Mike!! You captured a nice picture of me and Cathy during the parade laps. Photo Number 88! (http://home.comcast.net/~historics/MiatasAtMRLS2009/Large/pages/Parade_Laps_03-22-09_0088.htm)

And, yes, it was cold that day! :)

Cool - I was looking for you @ the event and now I know why I didn't find you... I was referencing your avatar pic :)


29th March 2009, 11:51

awesome pics Mark!!


29th March 2009, 11:54

Concentrating on Group B also helped me capture a minor off-track excursion by Dave Woolery (http://www.thephotobooth.net/gallery/7749274_DCvMP#501076207_g7MzZ) (two photos) and a bit more significant off-track event by Car #144 (http://www.thephotobooth.net/gallery/7749274_DCvMP#501076594_TuGeE) (sequence of 9 photos), which is the car that had its passenger airbag pop.
You have some great photos there Mark - and although the driver of #144 had his airbags pop and likely some subframe/ctrl arm damage at least he has the full sequence of the event :D


29th March 2009, 13:37

I have about half my Group C video loaded up under whattheal in youtube.

Here you go.



29th March 2009, 19:29

You have some great photos there Mark - and although the driver of #144 had his airbags pop and likely some subframe/ctrl arm damage at least he has the full sequence of the event :D
Wow, now that's an off! Glad he's ok.

Mark Booth

29th March 2009, 20:12

Cool - I was looking for you @ the event and now I know why I didn't find you... I was referencing your avatar pic :)

Yep... grew back my mustache in January. I had one from the time I was a senior in high school until it stated looking too grey at about age 45. Seven years later, and now that I'm retiring in a month, I decided to grow it back to see how it looked. I'm going to keep it for awhile at least in the hope that I can get the senior discount at the movies without them asking for ID! :D



29th March 2009, 20:26

Nice photos Mike and Mark...


30th March 2009, 22:24

I'm surprised nobody has posted the news about 2010 yet. I got email from Rick Weldon that they were go for doing this again next year. They're hoping for an early summer date to insure better weather with dates to be announced later this fall.

Now I have something to look forward to for the whole upcoming year!!


31st March 2009, 01:28

I'm surprised nobody has posted the news about 2010 yet. I got email from Rick Weldon that they were go for doing this again next year. They're hoping for an early summer date to insure better weather with dates to be announced later this fall.

Now I have something to look forward to for the whole upcoming year!!

Have a look here...Clicky... (http://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=323553)


31st March 2009, 01:48

Aha! See, I knew there was a reason it hadn't been posted here ...


31st March 2009, 10:31

...Concentrating on Group B also helped me capture a minor off-track excursion by Dave Woolery (http://www.thephotobooth.net/gallery/7749274_DCvMP#501076207_g7MzZ) (two photos)...

I wouldn't call that an off track excursion...that was (ahem) the "Spec Miata line" (http://www.offcamberracing.com/news/030615%20hall%20olivier%20corkscrew.jpg) for that turn. Yeah, that's the ticket! :rofl:

Mark Booth

31st March 2009, 21:12

Umm.. That Spec Miata has two wheels off. You had all four off at one point! :D


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